User talk:Natsa
From The Bad Webcomics Wiki
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- Listen, i'm gonna temporarily delete all the Dave Cheung related reviews you just made or maybe move them somewhere for now. Last time I believe it was Dave himself that complained to Wikidot about these to have them deleted, so before we make them again I wanted to inform this wiki farm's admins in advance to keep this from happening again. That's why I haven't recreated them again yet... Just been lazy to get around to it. Okay?
08:24, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
- Alright. Cheung still makes US Angle Corps so this will get back to him sooner or later.
22:38, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
- Alright. Cheung still makes US Angle Corps so this will get back to him sooner or later.
- I haven't deleted those reviews, but I haven't gotten mail back from shoutwiki about it yet either so at least don't add them to the listing for now.
22:01, 14 December 2013 (UTC)
- I haven't deleted those reviews, but I haven't gotten mail back from shoutwiki about it yet either so at least don't add them to the listing for now.
- Okay, got the green like from the admins. Gonna go over them one last time to cut down a bit on the personal attacks to give us a bit more plausible deniability and publish them. Also, there is one more review we had on the old site that was never actually added to the directory so it was never delted. It's
over here and imma put it on this site and add some pictures if you don't do it first.Chugworth! DONE. Just needs pictures.oddguy
18:39, 15 December 2013 (UTC)
- Okay, got the green like from the admins. Gonna go over them one last time to cut down a bit on the personal attacks to give us a bit more plausible deniability and publish them. Also, there is one more review we had on the old site that was never actually added to the directory so it was never delted. It's
- Well, the entire comic was about 4 pages long before Dave abandoned it.
07:45, 16 December 2013 (UTC)
- Well, the entire comic was about 4 pages long before Dave abandoned it.
- I think USAC is worse than Billy... Billy may have been an antisemite, but he wasn't a murdering, rapist who fucked corpses in pools of their own urin.
18:35, 16 December 2013 (UTC)
- The reason I thought Billy The Heretic is worse because not only is the writing absolutely repetitive and atrocious, making it a terrible example of propaganda, but the art is just that awful. No matter what Cheung draws, child guro porn or not, it will still look less lazy than any of the Billy strips. Then again, you're the boss. Natsa (talk) 02:37, 17 December 2013 (UTC)
- Aw, don't say that. I'm not "The Boss". I wanna discuss the issue!
13:14, 17 December 2013 (UTC)
- Aw, don't say that. I'm not "The Boss". I wanna discuss the issue!
Jenffer's Show
- Seriously, don't review this. It's a troll. The creator is a member of the old 789chan which was a chan for nothing but trolls. he/she (I think it's a tranny) has been making this comic intentionally bad and has tried to get us to review it at least once (I have reason to believe the real number might be 3+) and if we do it this person will just add the review to his/her already long list of bad reviews that is proudly featured on the comic's old site and gleefully giggle to themselves about how we were "trolled" into writing it.
16:37, 21 December 2013 (UTC)