Hey, nice article so far. Just thought I'd add a few comments. Firstly, I think its worth mentioning how the sunday comics are particularly bad as they're long, overly pretentious wordless comics that frequently have nothing to do with the storyline. I'm sure there's a few good examples to choose from. Secondly, one particularily noteworthy thing to add is that Ishida got mad over a parody comic called "Otaku Feh" and basiclly got it taken down, despite being genuinely funny. Here's the relevant info: just noticed your link to it down near the bottom. I can't find any more info on the topic, so forget I said anything. Plarblman (talk) 23:23, 28 September 2013 (UTC)
- What do you mean by "The sunday comics"?
02:02, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- What do you mean by "The sunday comics"?
- Every week he posts an overly long, all color but no words comic. They're always about the patriarchymatrix thingy and often more confusing than thought-provoking. Here's an example. or this Plarblman (talk) 02:36, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, that! I used to like those but the feminism thing turned them to shit also.
03:36, 29 September 2013 (UTC)
- Oh, that! I used to like those but the feminism thing turned them to shit also.
Let's be honest...
... even though there are (and alway were) many exaggerations in the sinfest comics, I as a guy don't have to wallow in self pity, just because sinfest is making fun of some undeniable social imbalances. The comic had always made fun about macho-behaviour (for example in that very ironic strip about the "Matriarchy" that's quoted here). It is true, that sinfest has lost some of it's self-irony and is sometimes a bit plane and shallow lately.
I won't edit your page, because I obviously don't share your opinion, but I really think you should reconsider some of your arguments. For example "Now all sexual advances by men are unwanted, unprovoked and akin to rape." sounds more than a bit childish and is uncalled for.
I guess most of you are Americans, in Europe we all love sinfest. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Realist (talk • contribs) 13:48, 6 January 2014Please use four (4) tildes (~~~~) to date & sign your post in the future!
- I see we have the spokesperson of all of europe with us.
- Anyway, I don't think that was out of line. All adult relationships have went out the window. There is no more romance in sinfest. All interactions between men and women are now about how one group is opressing the other and all mentions of sex are about how men use sex to keep women down. Ishida never uses the word "rape" in the comic, but the topic is never far from it.
04:16, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
- "I see we have the spokesperson of all of europe with us" : And you, who are you representing? What let you say things like "Sinfest is officially labelled shit"? Are you in charge of officially labelling webcomics?
- Anyway, I don't think that was out of line. All adult relationships have went out the window. There is no more romance in sinfest. All interactions between men and women are now about how one group is opressing the other and all mentions of sex are about how men use sex to keep women down. Ishida never uses the word "rape" in the comic, but the topic is never far from it.
I haven't read this comic in years, may have to start from the beginning, but if this comic is used as an example of feminism... um... I'm pretty sure it's merely a parody of it, not a serious advocation. This one might be approaching seriousness but even then I get more of an impression Xanthe could be interpreted as being jealous of the girl who is getting attention and using this as an excuse to hit on Slick.
This seriously can't be taken as promotion of feminism by readers, can it? It's a clear parody. If he actually starts advocating feminist views seriously later on please link me that comic.
File:2013-01-25.gif is still clearly parody... wow. Honestly not actually seeing legit feminist arguments here. Ishida is obviously familiar with feminist arguments and has focused on them but apparently his jokes are too subtle and people are missing out on them. He's not actually using Xanthe as a mouthpiece, he's using her as a showcase for how ridiculous their arguments and fixatiosn are. Tyciol (talk) 02:18, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
- First of all, go away pedo. Secondly, I don't agree at all. I might have belived it was just a parody were it not for the fact that from strip 2045 onward every single comic is about feminism being good and men being bad. Also, a number of strips about Ishida himself talking about what a scumbag he is because his old comics opressed women.
- These are not obvious parodies. These are 100% serious. They are just so bad and overblown one could be forgiven for mistaking them for such.
04:21, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
- These are not obvious parodies. These are 100% serious. They are just so bad and overblown one could be forgiven for mistaking them for such.
- You should brush up on Poe's Law. It's ridiculous only because that's how extreme radical feminists are. They use those exact words and everything in complete sincerity. It's pretty clearly not a parody when you consider how the sisterhood is never in the wrong, or the antagonists, or even mistaken. Plarblman (talk) 19:41, 22 May 2014 (UTC)
So, my articles are dead
Hello again, BWW. Long time no see. Was wondering if the wiki was still alive and well and apparently it is, which makes me glad(more glad than this color scheme yikes.)
To the subject at hand: there's a link to one article I wrote about Sinfest's crazy shift into radical radfem ideology, and in fact, I have written three of those. And something else. [Here are handy links to all of them]
Problem is: Carl Stinky Wheeler apparently stopped paying our hosting long ago and never passed the responsibility to anyone else(for a while I was the only person writing on the site; poorly, but writing), and now apparently **something** else has taken over and either installed a robots file that makes [even unable to get the old articles], or Carl was so paranoid he did it himself(but I doubt he'd even care).
I confess I can't think of other alternatives to grabbing these articles again(tried Google caches and others like), so if someone can help me retrieve them, that'd be sweet.
Thanks in advance. Pro-mole (talk) 16:47, 17 December 2015 (UTC)
- Holy carp, my articles are back! Apparently the domain ownership of those wacky Chinese has expired and is back in the cache, woo! --Pro-mole (talk) 13:27, 10 February 2017 (UTC)
In which Tats gives his remaining fans the boot
Just as a fun update, Tatsuya has basically shown every remaining original reader the door. Sinfest like any webcomic no matter how small, has a forum with a small group of dedicated fans which eventually turned into a community that existed more because of established relationships than the originating material they were fans of. For a long time the remaining 30-40ish people who posted actively on his forum had been slowly becoming wary of Tatsuya's slow descent into insanity and his general complete misunderstanding of modern feminism; this culminated in a topic where the fanbase basically wrote Tatsuya a "uh, are you okay" letter, where they expressed their support but criticized his general tonedeafness and his bizarre headcanon version of feminism.
Tatsuya's response: He never responded to any of his remaining fans, and created a new forum and posted this message on the front page:
"I'm launching a new forum for people who like the message of my comic.
The new forum will be anti-pornography, anti-prostitution.
It will favor the radical feminist perspective over a liberal or conservative one.
So if you'd like to participate in a forum environment more in harmony with the comic, I invite you to join."
The fans were a tad surprised, of course. They quickly twigged the original forums weren't long for the world and moved off-site to a discord.
Many original posters registered and asked what the deal was with the new forum, and were greeted by basically 2-3 mysterious new registered posters who basically turned out to be both TERFs and SWERFs who all but told everyone who wasn't onboard could fuck off. Tats only intervened once, to tell a female poster who wasn't a SWERF that she wasn't welcome and to go to the "old forum".
Then Tats deleted the old forum. Now, not even the 2-3 swerfs post. If there was any active, posting Sinfest fandom it's officially dead. Whatever woman dumped Tatsuya she sure fucked him up. -- DeadFraction (talk) 20:00, 14 March 2019 (UTC)
Kicking the dead horse
So, a bunch of new drama happened with Sinfest. Basically the gist of it was this trans woman asked "Hey, am I welcome here?" So one of the radfems, who had around 40% of the posts in the whole forum (lol), started berating the trans woman and misgendering her, saying she wasn't welcome, you know, normal feminist things that aren't bigoted at all.
So Tatsuya, in his infinite feminist wisdom, decides to gaslight the poor poster and literally say "No one's harassing you, stop making it all about you."
And now he created two arcs dedicated to trans-exclusion. In the start of the first arc, Xanthe sees someone wearing a "girl power" shirt (the subtext is that she is a trans woman), and considering themselves in solidarity. And Xanthe literally beheads the person and calls them "dude".
And then he has children sent to gender camps where they force you into being male or female, and if you don't fit your gender role, they "reassign" you. Subtext: the children are being forced to be trans
So in a move that almost completely destroys the last arc, he makes fun of someone identifying outside that binary that he so strictly said was enforced by the trans agenda, and literally considers them "a gender zombie".
Now he's basically railing against "gender" and saying trans people existing are exactly the same as his lovely little patriarchy.
If it wasn't clear enough already, he literally says "women don't have penises" in his comic, so the subtext is pretty much all text at this point.
And of course, in unremarkable Tats fashion, he decides to make a comic where these "gender zombies" knock on his window, and threaten to cancel him. One of them has a "punch women" shirt, which is a reference to a "punch TERFs" someone wore a while back, I think? But obviously, not all TERFs are women, so... Then Xanthe (yes, man-hating, pro-killing men in general, men can't be allies Xanthe) offers *sympathy* and says "Welcome to our world".
So Sinfest became even more trash and alienated people so much, that a bunch of people stopped reading it, even from its original feminist fanbase. It lost 200 dollars on Patreon (also lol). --TulipKitten (talk) 15:31, 14 June 2019 (UTC)
I have to admin that he really lost it
In 2014 (when I distributed to this discussion) I thought: maybe he just got himself a new girlfriend that doesn't take irony so well. I really loved the way the comic used to make fun of macho-behaviour as well as of women who encourage macho-behaviour. However, I do understand that making fun of that can offend some people who are suffering from issues related to that kind of behaviour. I do not necessarily agree with them, because I don't generally think that ridiculing those macho behavioural patterns automatically belittles the general problem of gender-based social imbalance and objectification of woman. Never the less I do understand that some people just can't laugh at anything that's remotely related to sexual harassment and stuff.
Recently it seems that the author of this comic has completely lost his marbles. There is no way in denying that the comic has completely jumped the shark. I have to admit that I'm frequently overwhelmed with the whole gender discussion too and I hope that people will find some kind of compromise everybody is happy with soon. Still, what has happened to the comic? Has the author always been this kind of a right-wing-nutjob or did something happen to him? Is there any conspiracy theory too ridiculous for the comic to fall for? What has become of that witty and ironic comic? Sometimes I'm wondering if I should hide all the sinfest books I bought ten years ago because of what people might think when they see them in my bookshelf now. (Realist (talk) 09:49, 10 July 2022 (UTC))