Talk:Looney Tunes Reborn
Oh gob you even found the badly edited wiki ;;
OKAY long story short, I am the creator of this crappy webcomic. I know, it sucked.
All I can say about this review is that I agree, the biggest issue is that this plot is badly executed and is never really consistent. I admit that I am very lazy when it comes to sketching. And you are right, this whole thing was a train-wreck. In fact, I really want to just do it all over again and do better this time if I can, but I guess it was so bad that you couldn't even finish.
The only corrections I can do is that Melodia isn't a princess, haha. She's enough of a mary-sue as it is. Tyrahnee is the queen of Mars but Melodia isn't. She's just some time-traveler that have beef with some people.
My art style is really scribbly because for some reason, I like how it looks. However, the downside of it is that it will make the comic look crude and I have many problems with proportions. And yes, Eric can draw better than me. And just to let you know, I have no idea who David Hopkin is so no, he's not really my inspiration. The only inspiration that I have had was just my childhood. So the whole "dreamy-like" state is just to show how confusing memories can be. Unfortunately, that did give the whole thing to be very boring and not really a good read. So to answer your question about the audience, nope. I don't have any and that's cool since they might burn their eyes off or something. The only people that like my comic for some reason like the cringe. I refuse to believe that they are just in for the plot because there is literally no way it can be likable.
But thank you for reviewing it though so that I can keep that in mind for the future and to stop being lazy. I have no idea how you discover my unpopular trash AND the wiki but somehow it happened. I'm sure that was the most cringe-worthy experience you ever had and I apologize. You made the right choice not to look further.
This fanfic deserves a good ol roast so thank you for your honest opinion. Again, sorry you have to witness that kind of stuff but again, thank you.
Hello -- I'm the creator of the comic years later
As you can see in the title, I'm the author of this comic I drew when I was 17 years old. I am currently 20.
At the time I was drawing this comic, I didn't know what my future was holding. I know I like to draw because I been drawing for as long as I can remember, but it's not going to be enough to help me survive. I don't know what I'm doing and I didn't know what to do. I threw away the project altogether. At first, I was too hesitant to because I got so attached to this project. It helped me get through my loneliness and my troubling life back at home. I'm insecure about stuff, but I'm humble enough to know that I'm a human being that will always make mistakes. I was never so arrogant because I always disliked arrogant people. However most of the time, people would not react well because they cannot understand the sarcasm or the dark humor. I'm already too -- I guess pacifist to get worked up, but I remembered I genuinely felt so anxious about getting my thing put on here. I thought people are genuinely angry at me because I grew up in an abusive household. I'm not sure whether you are trying to help because I had trouble trusting in anything. I was so unsure for the last few years of high school about what I want to do in the future because I'm already not in a good mental state. I was a senior when this page was created.
Now I am currently a junior in university, taking a cinematic arts major with a scholarship that covers most of my tuition. I am studying on storytelling and production of films. It still doesn't guarantee my success, but I am always happy to help in any part of the film set. My biggest aspiration is becoming a storyboard artist. I also started a whole new project named JUANITA. This time, I created original stories and so many original characters. I love them all so much. I don't even draw much fanart anymore! I'm not only thinking about making a webcomic but also a few RPG games that may have some connection to that universe.
I understand you all are very sarcastic to take in all this, but I genuinely do want to give you thanks. It's a wonderful butterfly effect. This page lead me to go to a university I was hesitant to go at first, getting a major in something I am very interested in that will help with my creativity, and I have one year until I will graduate. I wanted to give thanks to you all and I really hope I don't disappoint you with this new project I'm making. I really want to work very hard on it, even if I can't make everyone happy. I hope you all have the strength to endure whatever obstacle is ahead. Again, thank you so much and I will always give this site a shoutout.
Sincerely, DAMARiS
P.S. My old response made me cringe because it really did sound like I was being sarcastic. I had an awful inferiority complex back then, but I'm working on trying to have confidence in myself. However, I'm so happy you responded to it positively. Also what's wrong with being Avant-garde? I don't think it's so bad, at least my cinematic historian professor don't think so haha
hey DAMARis
interesting response - and considering the raging fits we sometime get thrown our way from the makers of various comics we've reviewed, then your response is definetely one of the best. If you want to talk, then feel free to come by the forum regards webkilla - written 4th Oct 2019