Tale of Tails
Original review author: | webkilla in 2024 |
Forum Discussion Threads: | Link |
Webcomic name: | Tale of Tails |
Authors: | Feretta |
Start Date: | Oct 16, 2012 |
End Date: | Ongoing |
Genre: | Epic Furry fantasy with around 30 to 40% porn |
Defining Flaw: | It's furry fantasy with 30-40% porn |
Rating Summary
No, this is not a Sonic The Hedgehog fan comic, as the title might make you think. It is furry though.
This webcomic was mentioned on the forum in January of 2024 - discussion ensued - and thus... we have a review here. The primary reason agreed for the review was the vast amount of sudddenly pausing the plot in order to PORN in the comic. Due to the great prevelance of porn in the comic, this reviewer isn't going to bother linking to actual pages in the comic either. You can easily find links to the comic here in the review, and since chapter 1 starts out pretty pornographically... well... you're welcome to stare into the abyss if you want to verify what we say here.
Ok... so... ya. One does not evaluate the writing of a porn comic, but you can evaluate the writing of a comic with an actual plot. What do you do when the comic tries to do both?
The TL:DR is that if you can ignore all the porn (and there is so much... its not even trying to just be cheesecake) then the comic has a really interesting and original fantasy/sci-fi setting, with almost endless possibilities when it comes to what kind of adventures and whatnot that can take place.
Or put differently: The quality of one's worldbuilding should not be judged by expansiveness or depth, but by how well the author incorporates his fetishes into the world without suspicion - in which case this thing is a masterpiece with the subtlety of a brick to the face.
But lets break things down chapter by chapter:
The first 1½ chapters of the webcomic are basically all porn after the main character arrives at a monastery-looking place, oh and the dickgirl foxgirl main character is taught basic magic almost as an afterthought there. Halfway through the second chapter the main character and the main supporting character/cocksleeve Vixavil turn into a... two-headed dragon while out on an adventure, somewhat unexpectedly, while fighting a dragon that had been attacking a nearby village. That dragon then stops fighting them, and demands to fuck them in exchange for the information they seek. This example of "oh here is something new to the plot, IGNORE THAT NOW PORN" is quite emblematic for the entire comic. It is as if the cartoonist is afraid of sticking too much to advancing the plot.
The actual plot of the comic first really gets started in chapter 3 - not exactly a good sign, but it starts out with some heavy exposition about the setting... like how the world was clearly young, but the people in it behaved as if they were old. It clearly reeks of it being at this point that Feretta actually sat down and gave some thought to the worldbuilding and lore of the place. That said, that the lore and worldbuilding boils down to "one day we discovered magical artifacts that started talking to us and teaching us things" - its... doesn't sound that deep.
Actually it is: Chapter 3 is about a treasure hunt/dungeon crawl (and more porn/fuckery, because why not) into a mountain that defies the spacial laws of physics, organized by an owl lady (sadly not the fun Owl House type). They're looking for another knowlegde artifact. At one point dickgirl gets isolated from the rest of the group, then she falls alseep and SUDDENLY PORN but then SUDDENLY NIGHTMARE. It seems to be a really poorly done dream sequence. She then wakes up and is approached by a fake version of her fuckbuddy... except it turns out dickgirl was in a trance and actually just nearly killed her real fuckbuddy. Oopsie. They get the artifact, but fuckbuddy is still hurt and needs constant healing. They leave the mountain, but gets waylaid by brigands led by a cat-taur woman WITH A HUGE DONG. Well actually, she turns friendly at the drop of a hat. Cue several pages of fucking. The chapter ends with the healer finally waking up again, and discovering that fuckbuddy is pregnant.
Chapter 4 starts with a one-page recap of the three previous chapters. Lots of fuckery, some monster fighting. Then dickgirl (until this point we haven't really been told of her name...) walks up some weird stairs in the temple/fortress, ending up in a strange little magic oasis. There a magic voice asks her to state her name, so we FINALLY learn that her named is Fenfen Maria Esteban. Nope, magic voice says that's fake. Fenavi Montaro is the real answer. She's then pissed off, hulks out a bit, then the magic voice chills a bit. The artifact introduces itself as the Librarian Archive/Recovery System, or just LARS. Lars claims that the two of them met some 999 years ago. He then "updates" her... which means magical flashback time. In the flashback we learn that Fenavi was bullied as a child (due to dickgirl) and that her mother was a prostitute. She then grows up, dates a little, does some drugs, had some sex with a dude. Then it turns out that the dude only banged her for a bet, end flashback. Then we get a pre-recorded message... of a sort... but the flashback continues, revealing that Fenavi hulked out into some kind of shadow monster, killing several people. That is why she fled to the monestary to begin with. Chapter 4 ends with some of the other side characters fucking, because can't have more than 15 pages without porn.
Chapter 5 starts with Fenavi trying to escape the monestary, but is prevented. Then Vix the fuckbuddy shows up again, and we get some backstory about one of the other supporting characters - a former slavegirl who learned magic and used it to free herself. Then its back to Lars, via the infinite stairs... though not before the dragon-lady who runs the monestary flashes Fenavi, inspiring her to make a shadowclone of the dragon-lady to suck her dick. Because why not? Oh well, once the porn is done its back to Lars for more exposition about Fenavi's past and the world. It makes some strange claims about her parentage, and then also says that it has operated as a library archive for 973483 years through "nine consecutive world seeds" - and we learn that her father, one Alfred Hadalan (which is also the name used for their type of magic) recorded his memories after an apocalypse.
This sends her to a flashback showing us... more fucking... but set in a sci-fi looking setting, not the fantasy-world looking setting that Fenavy lives in. Together with a Baelin Vitrin, Hadalan had created "the white hole core" (which is black?) - some kind of techno-magic that let them make anything out of anything. Oh and the two were the a thing. However, on the very next page Vitrin catches Hadalan fucking someone else, resulting in a breakup. Then Baelin is later found having worked on a new project, but it goes wrong... creating a strange white sphere that just hangs in the air. After a while the sphere begins to expand. The term antimatter was used earlier, which I guess explains why the thing is slowly annihilating the planet. We're told there's two weeks until the planet is a complete loss (though in the setting they do seem to have space travel) - Hadalan works for a solution (and a threesome, because we simply cannot let the plot be serious here), but his gambit works, letting him "eat" the white hole he made earlier, basically granting him magic powers as we've seen it earlier in the comic.
With his superpowers, he attempts to contain the white sphere annihilating the world. When he starts, Baelin reappears. Except Hadalan realises its not the real one, its an avatar used by something from the white sphere to lure him into it... it says that all things are unified inside it. He destroys it by taking it away from the sphere, inadvertantly causing a planet-wide apocalypse. This apocalypse apparently meant that only about 100 people survived on the planet, since the avatar-destruction apparently set off white spheres all over the planet. Only people in orbit survived, out of reach of the destruction. They then used the new techno-magic to rebuild the world, starting the "second age" - end of flashback.
See now that - aside from the countless porn disruptions - is a really interesting bit of worldbuilding. We still dont know why the world has reset 9 times, but its a hell of a start, too bad it was in chapter 5 not 1. But even after this flashback there's a porn sequence where fuckbuddy, dickgirl and dragon lady fuck. Because how dare we leave a chapter ending on a heavy bit of worldbuilding?
Chapter 6 starts with more exposition - revealing that the world they exist on is... just a fragment of a planet. There's also only 26.000 people left... sweet jesus. We're also shown that going over the edge isn't that dangerous, though further "down" there is no air. This is also where we're finally introduced to the six types of magic in the setting formally. They apparently function due to "big balls in the sky" (which we known are white hole cores from the pre-apocalypsed world now). To use a magic, you have to have a 'focus', a connection, usually via bodypart with the same color as the orb, either via fur or skin color. Red for fire magic, black for the hadalan magic which seems to focus on temporarily conjuring stuff, and so on. They use crystals to store magic juice to power their lights, and so on. While this would have been a lot more fun to learn in the comic, instead of a multi-page exposition dump, then its still interesting. Finally we learn of Hadalan and Vitrin magic. Hadalan we know of, but vitrin... very dangerous, and is quite unknown for how it truly works. "Those who tried and surivived (connecting to it) described it as a feeling of being eaten alive by sheer terror given teeth" - so.. bad juju. Next page we're told they can use magic crystals to power electromagnetic engines, for vehicles, and somehow even make guns out of it.
This leads to chapter 6 proper, which starts out being all about Fenavi finally getting formal training in hadalan magic and fighting styles, and she and the dragon-lady talk: We learn that she's been experimenting with magic, learning how to do basic shapeshifting... and there we learn that Fenavi apparently has a shitload of dragon juice inside her, due to her father being a dragon. Apparently dragons are the ones who are laboring to solve the continuing apocalypse crisis, which has never been explicitly explained, we've just seen the remnant of the planet they're one compared to what they started with, and know its reset 9 times. That said, this does have a sort of porny twist: Apparently the dragon who fucked her and fuckbuddy when they were in twin-dragon form blew not just his load but all his magical power into her. Yes, super powers via dragon jizz. Or was it that Fenavi's dad is a dragon? The comic isn't clear on this.
This leads into a training montage, where we see Fenavi learning more about magic, mastering it, including figuring out how to disolve her own body into magic, so she can basically meld into and hide in shadows. Of course, doing so is very taxing to Fenavi, so she has to train her magical stamina... which involves LOTS OF FUCKING of course! It's like a naruto fanfic: sex with shadow clones. Once that's over, we rejoin Lars and Fenavi at the strange oasis at the top fo the monastery. There we learn that Lars was made to survive being swallowed by the white spheres of doom that would swallow a world. We also learn, almost as a throwaway line, that in this fantasy medieval setting, there are people working to make a SPACE ROCKET. Anyway, completely ignoring that and moving on, Fenavi and Lars do some magical combat training, for no apparent reason. Lars then conjures an image of Piris - the fox-person who originally got her to magic-hulk out and kill a bunch of people, leading to her ending up at the monastery. This pisses off Fenavi, obviously, but then we learn that Lars isn't simulating Piris... but letting his soul control a projection, because she did kill him back then. His soul had been sent to "The PATH" - an orbital thingy we saw built back in chapter 5 by the orbital survivor of the original apocalypse, a giant orbital server of people's "neurochips". It's basically a server full of dead people's minds waiting for reincarnation. We also learn from this 'ghost' of Pirin that it was a red dragon-woman who had ordered him to taunt her.
This is when we're introduced to the term "Vitrin gate" - along with a warning that the red dragon lady might come after her. As of chapter 8, that hasn't happened yet.
After that the history lesson continues: We learn that after the first apocalypse, things were rebuilt and things went on peacefully for thousands of years. Then one day an illicit android was found to have escaped the Vitrin orb (which was now in orbit around the planet?). With the information from her, they resolved to yeet the vitrin orb into deep space, away from the planet. In exploring space for that project, they found... that space was a lot emptier than it should be. There were other vitrin cores, other rifts, devouring material space. Well that sucks. To resolve this, they basically mega-nuked one such distant vitrin orb black-hole in another star system, but in doing so the shell around their own vitrin core cracked... and it instantly tentacle'd out, eating a quarter or so of their planet. This was the start of the third era, the second apocalypse.
Apparently subsequent ruptures have happened - and at this point the planet is down to 8% of its original size, and only 1% of the observable universe remains. All else is gone, devoured by the black holes spawned by the vitrin magic.
This is somehow what Fenavi has to "solve". We're in chapter 6 - and first NOW we learn what the endgame basically is.
After this we basically get a new story arc, despite it still being chapter 6: Fenavi is sent off to resolve a bandit issue along a trade road, as apparently learning that world is doomed has made Fenavi somewhat antsy. While away, she gets a nightmare that Vitrin breaches the planetary shields, and meets a traveling merchant penquin. After that, she one evening comes across a wagon being robbed. This of turns into a confrontation with the bandits, resulting in the bandit leader being hilariously wrecked. After that, and some more fuckery, Fenavi and her fuckbuddy finally get married (right after Vixavil gives birth to twins no less)
Chapter 7 opens with someone having a nightmarish flashback, of some kind of vitrin explosion that took someone's arm and lover. I guess just to highlight why any kind of experimentation with Vitrin magic is generally a really bad idea. After this, we learn that Vixavil is actually the shadow clone of someone else, originally spawned by a little girl who had lost her sister. This comes up in conversation, because after giving birth Vixavil lost two of the three stripes on her lips, and now everyone is worried that if she has another kid then the last one might go... and who the hell knows what that'll do to her. Will the magic that sustains her drain away entirely? This also explains the red panda girl and her shadow clone we've seen acting as a servant throughout the comic - that's Vixavil's "mother" as it turns out. Anywho, despite being worried, Fenavi and Vixavil of course end up FUCKING for a few pages, and then its on to the next adventure: Fenavi should seek out her father, who is a dragon, to figure out what is up.
This is also where a trio of new monastery students are introduced - as Fenavi's students - so that's new, and later that night Fenavi is dispatched to safeguard another monastery resident who's run off to fight some slavers she was once captured by. Fenavi finds her, but the slavers have taken refuge in a cave and have their hostages/prisoners. The two of them stage a distraction, and then the ex-slave goes all murder-hobo on the bad guys. Then there's some FUCKING FOR SCIENCE and a lead to the next chapter.
Chapter 8 - at the time of this review - is still ongoing. It starts off with a bit of drama with the new students, two of them of couse starting to fuck each other, while Fen bones the third one. Then there's more magic training, but then a dragon shows up! Apparently the dragon works with an airship run by the owl lady from chapter 3. Fen and Vix get to come along on the ship, along with the ex-slave one and the monastery's healer. They're leaving for... something... a tournament of some kind? It The ship is called "The Flying Hootsman".
In summary: there is so much worldbuilding and plot in this comic - its actually quite interesting - but good grief does it get bogged down in porn. Walking up stairs behind someone with a sexy ass? Fuck yourself with a shadow clone. Rescue a coach from some bandits? Bang two of the people you rescue. Basically, pretty much every new character who isn't just a background filler gets boned at some point. Its writing via Chekov's dick!
I should also note on that on the website there is a Lore Corner page - where there's a shitload of extra info about the setting and whatnot. Some of this info is covered in the comic, other things, like how the government of the place works, has yet to be covered in the comic - but doesn't seem all that relevant either. There's also a list of character bios, some making sense, some don't, because they don't come with pictures of the characters they're about - and the comic quite frankly isn't very good at namedropping people.
The early art was a bit rough - but it improved very quickly. Mind you, the comic started in 2012 - so after 12 years you'd expect to see some improvements!
Look, the cartoonist is a furry porn artist. He does amazing anatomy. The action scenes are epic, the magic looks VERY magical, and pretty much every female in the setting wears miniskirts and either has huge tits or are completely flat-chested.
Basically the artwork in the comic starts out kinda rough, but very acceptable, and then later works its way to a 10 out of 10.
Info on Feretta from the website.
No clue if Feretta is male or female - and considering the level of dickgirls in this artist's galleries, then its anyeone's guess. I'm leaning towards male though. Too much booby action for anything else.
Claims to be a profesional graphics design with a degree in media design, worked as an illustrator/artist - even tried making comic books. This reviewer will assume that Feretta's profesional work is done under a different alias, for obvious reasons.
If you look at the shop for the comic, where you can buy prints of Feretta's artwork (including porny ones), you're not in doubt about what this joker likes: big tiddies furries, furry dickgirls, furry dickgirls who rail flat chested furries. It's not that big a mystery.
This comic has some legit interesting and original worldbuilding. The idea of a world, the very reality, being in a state of perpetual shrinking from encroachment of the 'Vitrin'... and every cycle they try (and fail?) to stop it. Nothing has yet shown us leaving Fenavi and Vix on a path that could actually stop it - there's no quest for a magical artifact or spell that'll fix everything... so the comic is mainly still just dicking around.
Speaking of which, the porn... oh sweet jesus the porn.
It actually makes me yearn back to my brainless youth, when I briefly really liked Jay Naylor's webcomics, because he at least kept his porn seperate from the main comic. No, Feretta seems to do his comic under the logic that if a dozen or so pages have passed without porn, then... then he totally needs to throw in at last half a dozen pages of porn, otherwise people will stop watching his content.
On one hand I can respect him not making paywalled porn (well, his patreon has higher res versions of his FA porn) but I also mean that in comparison to Naylor who made entire porn-centric story arcs paywalled. Keeping all your character development in one place makes it a lot easier to track everything. Still, part of me would really like to see a version of this comic with all of the porn edited out, just to see the story on its own. At this point, 8 chapters in, it is more than strong enough to stand on its own legs without needing a cumsplattered groin to draw your attention.
To this end this reviewer does recommend this comic: I know this is supposed to be a BAD webcomic wiki - and this comic does have its bad aspects that way around, but it is still worth a read, if you can manage to just skip past the porn or chuckle through it. At least Feretta treats his female characters quite well, giving them both agency and power, instead of just making them cock-hungry fuck demons. Still, its furry trash, so purge it fire - but perhaps give it a read first, then purge?
- The webcomic
- Feretta's FA - there is about as much porn here as you would expect. So many dickgirls...
- The Twitter
- Space Vixen, another webcomic that Feretta makes Re-using much of the same characters from this comic, but in a sci-fi setting and with very different personalities. Vix is the main character here, and its been on hiatus sinse late 2021, which is a shame, because it was quite good. It had a green lantern kind of vibe too it.
- The artist's Patreon - same content as the FA, just higher rez.