Difference between revisions of "Statist and Anarchist"

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Little update.
(Little update.)
...Then this is immediately dropped for more gag-a-day strips.
Long story short, there is an off-and-on plot, but it can all be accurately summed up as random childish idiocy and boring rants to prop up the author's petty little political crusade against the cold cruel world.
UPDATE: The story is back up and running, and it's just as droning as it was before. [http://stat-and-ancap.blogspot.com/2017/04/176-lost-potential.html Maybe even more so than last we saw it.] I give it until the 200th strip when the artist finally gives up and just blows up the world. Then one strip later retcons everything that happened before and goes back to being a gag-a-day strip. Emphasis on gag.
== Art Review ==


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