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|'''Original review author:'''
I wish I could be fair and say that this webcomic wasn't an entire waste. I wish I could say this webcomic had some kind of comedic potential if he dropped all the copypasta and the god damn stuck-up soapboxing. If he could do more story arcs that weren't titanic sized rants about his old hopes for humanity. If he could do more generalist, not quite so childish humor (i.e. lose the cartoon cameos) like the [http://blamethe1st.deviantart.com/art/Statist-and-Anarchist-152-Thanksgiving-2016-P2-647747674 Blue and Red Statists suddenly getting along while under the influence of marijuana pie.] [http://blamethe1st.deviantart.com/art/Statist-And-Anarchist-048-Dark-Magic-Part-2-569449227 Or the outbreak of a zombie swarm,] [http://blamethe1st.deviantart.com/art/Statist-And-Anarchist-072-Stupidity-594567051 or Red Statist trying to make a bathtub into a whirlpool using a blender.]
But no, I've already been more generous than anyone else is gonna be with my analysis of this webcomic. BlameThe1st is never going to change this utter heap of excrement dynamically enough to make it readable...except as an example of what not to do if you have any interests in appearing as a kind, mature rational human being. Avoid the political talks on DeviantartDeviantArt as much as you can. Avoid the types like BlameThe1st. Ye be warned.
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