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, 23:25, 9 February 2017
== Art Review ==
It would be simplicity itself to just completely dismiss this webcomic as a no-effort hunk of junk. But to give credit where credit is due, the author does care enough to improve the strip's art very slightly. For instance, he could've just left all his characters as bald stick men differentiated only by their shirts. But he later on adds hair, hats or accessories to the characters, and let’s face it, that's the best anyone can do with stick figures. Even ''[ Order of the Stick''], universally regarded as the very best stick figure comic in all the Internet, just uses the same bland face, varied only by hair, clothes and props. So the stick figures themselves pass, even with those big solid black lines of theirs....There's even a few times where the author bothered to draw simple yet effective backgrounds, [ like with the graveyard scene.] In that way, ''Statist and Anarchist'' even surpasses [[Cyanide and Happiness]], the strip BlameThe1st takes inspiration from.