ProfanityBeaver's Comics

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The following comic desperately wants to be porn without actually being porn. Contains more fanservice and fetish fuel than any actual sex, usually patterned off of bad harem comedy anime. It may not even have full nudity (at most may contain exposed boobs), but your teacher/parents/coworkers will surely give you some odd glances if they catch you seeing this. View with caution.

MrYuk.gif WARNING: This webcomic will nauseate many readers. This can be for a whole slew of reasons, including graphic depictions of gore, grossly unappealing depictions of sexual behavior, offensive descriptions of sexual abuse, and so on. In any case, this webcomic (and maybe even this review) is not for the weak of stomach. MrYuk.gif
Original review author: ZenForce in March 2025
Webcomic name: ProfanityBeaver's Comics (No link since there is a lot of comics involved)
Author: Justin Moe-Zinn, AKA ProfanityBeaver.
Start Date: Traditional: Sometime in 2004. Digital: December 24, 2020
End Date: Most of them ongoing
Genre: Multiple genres, but the most repeated are Action, Gore and Cheesecake.
Defining Flaw: Ironically, being edgy in the safest way possible.

Rating Summary

Art: Wiki.pngWiki.png

The art style varies depending of the comic, but is decent at first sight. But looking more profoundly, you start to see they underperform for the story is telling. The fact that also the author's style is so reminiscent to others artist's styles doesn't help either.

Storyline: Wiki.pngHalf.png

Some comics have more stories, some less, but all has the same philosophy the plotline is molded around and for the action scenes, even if don't makes sense. Oh, and the titties, don't forget the tits.

Characters: Wiki.png

All the comics had at least one of this four of type of characters: The Edgelord, The Asshole, the Shady Boss and the Fanservice Girl. Sometimes the guy gets creative, and the Edgelord or the Asshole character is a woman instead a men, even sometimes also being the Fanservice Girl.

Miscellaneous Details: Half.png

How the hell you can create so different themes, so different worlds, so different circumstances, and at the same time everything feels the same?

Overall: Half.png

Sincerely when someone reads your comics and while at it starts thinking "Fuck, could be reading/watching/playing [insert media with really similar thematic] right now instead..." then you should realize that you failed as a writer.


Diving into Deviantart (yeah I sometimes do that) to see if there something good, I discovered a page where a blonde guy is about to fight a rabid, big titted werewolf girl. So my line of thought was obviously read more to discover what the heck happened to get there and... get disappointed. Then decided to read the rest of the author’s comics with the mentality of "Not all has to be as bad as this one, there has to be at least one to be good, or minimum decent"... And get even more disappointed than before. God, why I do this to myself?

Anyways, what happens when take a fan comic from 10 years ago that is edgy for the sake of edginess in the safest way possible and post it in 2020's era? All these comics, like you expect.


Technically is "always was bad" category, but in his second comic published where the problems from the first one is really accentuated.

Story and Plot

In short, all the comics are an excuse to have blood, violence, boobs and pseudo-porn as many times as possible in a page, the maximum time can be extended. But since I need to show what comics I will talk so you have an idea how shallow is the plot, the details (in order I read it) are:

Monster Girl Hunter

Monster girl hunter cover by profanitybeaver delim3s.jpg
Start Date: June 14, 2021
Genre: Action/Supernatural/Harem/Cheesecake

Our protagonist is Alex Deacon, blonde guy that when he was a kid his family was ravaged by monsters. Since that traumatic day, he takes a vendetta with the monsters and enlisted a monster hunter organization called M.R.E. (No idea what the acronym means). After years of off-screen studying and training, he was send to his first group mission to set free a house filled with vampires. He was focused in the extermination, until he broke in a room and discovers a vampire that makes him question all his values and hatred thank at her... um... let's say "powers" *Cough*. Since then (and a really comically bad sneak scene of the girl plus a scold from the superiors for the utterly bad performance) his mission now is rescue monster girls behind the back of the organization and questioning everything he learned.

Profanity Beaver's Alice in Wonderland

Profanity beaver s alice in wonderland by profanitybeaver dh995sx-fullview.jpg
Start Date: April 18, 2024
Genre: Action/Fantasy/Gore/Cheesecake/Fanfic

Like the title implies, this is a re-imagination of the classic story Alice in Wonderland. But more than re-imagination is more like bastardization, but that is getting ahead of the facts... So, what changes in this version from the original? First of all, this world is established in the modern era instead of Victorian one. Also is noticeable that Alice is more grown up than the original, this is convenient since this story has lot of nudity, gore scenes, fetish scenes like tentacles, and some serious themes speech scenes (although still not sure if she is over 18 since all what the comic has shown us till now shows it like a teenager).

Finally, we have the characters and how are introduced the world, some examples of this is the before showed The White Rabbit that was cross-gendered; Bill the Lizard and his crew are now a gang that hunts down monarchy and nobleman; and how Alice enters in Wonderland and the Room of Doors, that instead being a literal rabbit hole is a dimension portal and everything of the shrinking potion happens inside that portal, only to her appear directly in the forest, so basically completely retconning the Room of Doors. That last thing will be enough to trash the entire lecture, but since the comic only has 48 pages at the time of writing this, still a little young to judging it entirely... Oh, before I forgot, in this comic is introduced a theme that may be appear in other comics, and that is the may-can-be-considered ero guro scenes.

Super Duper Gratuitous Violence Girl – Extreme!

Sdgvg e volume 2 cover by profanitybeaver dia75s4-fullview.jpg
Start Date: February 28, 2024
Genre: Action/Gore/Comedy

A comic about a little, silent girl called like the title (no, it's not a joke, with exclamation point and all. Since is so stupid, I will call her like the other way the comic call her: Experiment 19), that escapes from the lab and goes in a merciless rampage in the corrupted, industrialized and police-oppressed city of Muffinmuffinnopolis. Basically the entire premise is a thoughtless and senseless gorefest, decorated with cartoonish to hurt satire like the religion, authoritarian government and the news; and nonsense gags like the Secretary being afraid of panties. This is should be a no-brainer entertainment at least, but even in that The Beaver fucked up, though that will be explained later.

Candi Winters: Monster Murderer

Candi winters monster murderer 1 cover by profanitybeaver dge8hy1-fullview.jpg
Start Date: October 30, 2023
Genre: Action/Gore/Fantasy

We are in a world completely dominated by monsters, and the humanity has to hide in a walled city and their only other defense is the church and their crusaders-like army. But one day, that defenses has been breached and the daughter of the Pope (the leader of the city) was kidnapped by one of Dracula's Minions.

That's when our main character, Candi Winters, enters. She is the best, badass, totally an example for anyone monster hunter of the entire city, and how shows it to us? Exorcising a child through punching him to almost death, and later when the parents understandably refuse to pay her, she attacks the mother and threatens the father that she will leave her armless... What a cool and relatable woman! Apparently all the blonde people are segregated from society because they believe their kind only attracts monsters and problems (her attitude towards people doesn't help to clean the bias, by the way). Anyways, she goes bar to drink her traumas away until a group of crusaders surrounds her to arrest her; they archive it but not without her increasing her victim's score. After a failed interrogation, the Pope convinces Candi to cooperate by showing her that they captured her mother, even though she is supposed to be dead, thanks to the flashback. And that is all we have… Next one!

Kitty Kill Club

Kitty kill club by profanitybeaver dftq5ks-fullview.jpg
Start Date: April 6, 2023
Genre: Action/Gore/Cheesecake

This is about a duo of girls that are assassins always dressed with the minimum clothing possible. The group is integrated by KK1 (seriously, is shown in a Q&A that they don't even have names) an heavy smoker, very stereotypical afro black girl that is the chill girl and the brain of the ground; KK2, an (also stereotypical) Asian girl that is the muscles of the duo, that is really impulsive, trigger happy and very stupid; and an nurse old woman that it looks like that has the same function of Alfred in Batman. They were hired to assassinate senator John Johnsonson, a politician that besides being corrupt, also has a really disgusting, gorey fetish (I warn the ero guro will come back again)... I said hired, but technically they are doing this after KK2 kills the client without reason and everyone in the room, so who the hell will pay the reward? Bah, this is another comic about random action scene, blood everywhere and gratuitous nudes, so sense is not a thing in priority, especially since in the description of the cover says says this is only a practice for the action scenes.

Koko Tai Aku

Koko tai aku vol 5 cover by profanitybeaver dfaa484-fullview.jpg
Start Date: December 24, 2020
Genre: Action/Gore/Cheesecake/Sci-fi

Finally, we have the Profaner's attempt of creating a Manga... This will hurt, don't? Basically this has very similar premise to Parasite Eve, Parasyte, Tanabata no Kuni and similar media. Everything is normal until suddenly people start to mutate into monsters due an alien invasion that has the objective of eliminating "The Awakened", people that developed energy powers, that conveniently there is one in the girl's group that survived the school attack. It doesn't even worth describe the main characters because this is the generic fanservice shonen you encounter in spades on the internet. It has every trope can have in one franchise: the over the top gore scenes, the shitty and cringy dialogue, the convenient tearing of clothing for fanservice, the over-exposition, the semi-erotic scenes, hell, in the third volume there is an onsen scene. There is people dying right now... and the story stops to see the survivor girls bathing? And this thing has 7 volumes?! Fuck this.

Writing Review

Like you see, the author has really can-be-considerate teenager tastes, which he impregnated in every work he has done. I mean, the three most repeated themes are action scenes, gore and cleavages after all. That itself is not bad thing, everyone enjoy that things in one way or another, but the problem here is that the Beaver is not very good writing it. By that I mean that that the author somehow makes the battles boring, the gore very plane, and the tits annoying. I believe it's because the comics depends a lot in these things and nothing more, and the author doesn't know how to write not likeable characters, but appealing characters. Some examples of this is 1) SDGVG-E! : Since Experiment 19 is mute, the only way that the author thinks to make her likable is through the violence she delivers. In that case, almost all the scenes have the same procedure: Introduce the nameless character, the character shows his joke/satire that it's attributed, and then is killed by the girl or someone else without provocation or reason. And this repeated in the entire comic, ad nauseum. Some characters survive more pages, some 1 page, but almost everyone has this treatment. 2) Candi Winters: I know she is supposed the experienced, badass, taking-no-bullshit main character trope and also her kind was marginalized and demonized, really similar to Geralt de Rivia from The Witcher series, but the author doesn't seem to understand that she is supposed to have limits. By that I mean that this type of characters has some moral etiquette, a line that they don’t want to cross, to show some empathy and humanity to the reader. Let's come back to the character's introduction: after the exorcism, Candi tells that she warned them that the kid was probably dead and is a miracle she saved him; but any other character at least will try to save the kid with the least damage possible, and when the parents refuse to pay, that character will leave immediately, maybe insulting them or doing some extra property damage because of the frustration, but leaving nonetheless. Nobody will attack the kid instantly and then threading and robbing the parents. Even if later the Beaver shows us that she is surprised and worried for her mother’s aliveness, her introduction ruins any try to have empathy with the protagonist. At this point, she is more alike to Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty, but less charismatic and more trigger happy.

Then we have the fact that the author is really into the manga and anime. That itself doesn't bad, nowadays thanks to accessibility of internet, most of things are inspired in a way or another in their Japanese comics and cartoons. The problem is that Justin took the worst parts of the same to create his comics. Not better example than Monster Girl Hunter. It tries to hide it with some pseudo-seriousness and action scenes but still is really noticeable that is a generic harem manga with a monster thematic, just like Monster Musume. Let's start with Alex, that besides his tragic past, he literally has no other personality treat. Seriously, besides seeing him conflicted with his decisions of occulting the girls from the organization and his fighting scenes, he is practically devoid of personality, just like any harem protag you see in the market. His only trait that makes him stand out from the rest are his pretentious inner monologues... Oh boy, the monologues. This guy spends more time thinking that doing stuff, like, I counted the red panels from the first 25 pages and guess what? 41. 41 panels in 25 pages. That more that a though panel and half per page, that insane, even taking into account that most of them are concentrated in some pages, like Alex seeing how Mia is dressing. And normally I wouldn't have done this, if I didn't noticed how the

The comment in the eternal monologue scene

comic abuses of this recourse. This goes to ridiculous levels, like, there is a scene where Mia goes feral because of a nosebleed, and the guy's plan to stop her is let her suck some of his blood and then throw a sunlight flash grenade in the bathroom to knock her out and don't kill her. This whole, entire scene is - you no - almost 12 pages of inner monologues. Even your avid readers noticed how bullshit is this. Oh, and talking about Mia, the girls are not better. They are by the book harem girl stereotypes that you probably seen a thousand times. Mia, the vampire, is the nice, innocent girl that was mistreated by her close people until the main character appears and shows a little, minimum of human decency that makes her to cling him up; Ellie, a ghost of a girl that killed herself accidentally after showering, and was haunting her home, totally alone, until conveniently Alex moves to the house during his training period. She is basically the obsessive, jealous girl that tries to get the protagonist to herself, entering into yandere-ish territory; Rebecca, a girl that is one of the few (if only) friends Deacon made in the organization, technically entering in the childhood friend trope, and to spice up she also is the tsudenre trope... Oh, and also it turns out that she is a really advanced robot that not even her knew about it; a slime girl (that she still not recruited) that the little time she had until now, gives the feeling that she is the exotic foreigner (taking into account that she technically an alien) and also the awkward girl; and finally Hannah, the werewolf (also still not recruited), while we still not know what will her dynamic in her beast form, in her human form is basically the dumb bimbo, confirmed by the fact that she confused sugar with salt... two times in a row. And the side characters are not better, especially the males ones, that if they are not dicks, abusers or manipulators, they are just straight up plain NPCs... Oh, and also Koko Tai Aku is good example, which it looks like is trying so hard to belong in the "Mangas that are like Parasyte" list, even filled with Japanese words that I’m not even sure is written right.

Finally, we have the fact that the ProfanityBeaver is a little too much clingy to his projects. No better example than Kitty Kill Club. Like I said before, this comic is supposed to be a practice comic to see how the over-the-top superficial action violence scenes performs, and since is that the case... Why the hell is 41 pages long? And why are you thanking your patrons if is something supposed to be discarded? Aren't practice comics supposed to be one shots, or really short to not have attachment? Whatever, this guy has like 6 comics that share at least 3 genre tags that he still updating to this day, only one can be considered ended, and is none of the enumerated in review 'till now (but that will be talked later). It doesn't help that the author sucks creating good scenarios, even the ones he didn't even written himself, cue his version of Alice in Wonderland. Not only he somehow created a less interesting Shrinking Potion scene but also goes full circle and fucked up the Growing Cake scene too. Alice instead of simply growing, she transforms into a Titan wannabe and kills everyone except for Billy, just for the shock value. But sincerely, is the most barebones and cartoonish gore I ever saw. I will go more in deep is art section, but keep in mind that every single of them it feels like it written by 15 years old that wanted to write an edgy fanfic of his favorite franchise.

Art Review

What better way to start than highlighting the obvious, the art style of all comics looks like a mix of Jhonen Vasquez's Invader ZIM and JiMathers's Neurotically Yours. From Invader ZIM takes the geometric and pointy style of the anatomy of the characters and from Neurotically Yours the really bulging, detailed eyes... and also has another thing that only has MODERN Neurotically Yours, if you know what I mean. May the author be a fan of both things? I don't know, but what I know is that all is designed to be fap material. I mean, is really noticeable the excess of cleavages, the inexplicable buttshots and the convenient nudity extravaganza, and all paywalled, of course. Normally, I wouldn't pay that much attention in this headland in, as I call it, a "Patreon-Pumper", if it weren't almost every woman he created has practically the same body structure. Like, is really hard to encounter a woman that is not D-sized minimum and with a perfect hourglass figure. The only ones come to my mind is Experiment 19, because she is a kid, and KK2, because she is Asiatic (even thought big-breasted Asian woman exist...). And the faces are not better, at first it looks normal with lots of expressions, but later you start notice that the author reutilizes three specific faces: The angry one, the shit-eating smile and the thick-lips bimbo (exclusive to woman). I mean reutilize and not copy-paste because I didn't encounter two exactly copies of these faces, the Beaver draws in factory assemble style. And that is not taking into account some stupid faces like the Dark Vader Mouth of Alex. The only ones go a little out of the status quo is in Alice in Wonderland, and that is because most of the cast are furries.

Samples of faces you will encounter a lot (Alice in Wonderland not included)

Even though very similar, the art can be classified in two categories: Digital, conformed up with Monster Girl Hunter, Alice in Wonderland, Candi Winters and Kitty Kill Club; and Black and White Inking, with SDGVG-E! and Koko Tai Aku. The former is cleaner and rounder, the latter is rougher and pointier, but besides that, both are two faces of the same coin, especially when comes with the gore. Every single person in these comics explodes in blood... exaggeratedly. This may trigger some people, but if you're someone that consumes the media from time to time, you will considerate it really bland, because everyone explodes like they are Kool-Aid filled balloons. Fuck, even the edgy 15-years-old fanfics tend to be more graphic than these comics, the only strong points are the scenes where sex-appeal and gore are combined, and that is more in bad taste than shocking. The comic that does the worst job in this section is definitely the one with Experiment 19, that their pages that I don't even understand what the fuck is going on, thanks to the art style.

Author Biography

Besides his real name (Justin Moe-Zinn) in Instagram and Tumblr, in his DeviantArt's profile shows that he lives in United States, and his tastes in monster girls and pop culture in his entire DeviantArt gallery, there is nothing more about him. Besides the works talked here, the guy has two other comics: Tunaman (a Superhero comic) and the Patreon Character Q and A.

The reason of why didn't review these is: in case of Tunaman, because I felt bad to review something that clearly is done by a teenager (having into account that archive says started in 2004, so is very probably he has done in his adolescence), but don't think this thing don't has the same, entire, fucking problems. You come to think that he will grow up out of this kind of stuff when he ended the comic, but looking his other works it looks like he double down it; and the Patreon Q&A... well, because is a Q&A, barely can be consider it an independent comic, since is basically a non-canon spin-off crossover of all the comics the Beaver created, including Tunaman characters. The only notable things is that everything is drawn in chibi style, and in every month, they change interviewers until the comic's public wanted the Goth TV girl to be the permanent one.


At the end, all the ProfanityBeaver’s works can be summarized in action, blood and revealing clothing display inside of stories that have been done better elsewhere. You want a story about monster girls that concentrate more in the girls than in the harem part? Read Modern Mogal, which directly discards the harem part. You want a darker alternative version of Alice in Wonderland? Play Alice is Dead or Alice: Madness Returns. Just violence and gore without sense? See Happy Tree Friends or read Johnny, the Homicidal Maniac. Admire a badass monster hunter in action? Play The Witcher 3 or see Buffy, the Vampire Slayer if you still want a female hunter. Some attractive woman in over the top action? Kill Bill will do the fill. Something that resemble Parasyte? Fuck, the before referred list is there, you probably will encounter something that worth your time. There is literally nothing in these comics that makes it a must read... except you really want see these titties uncensored, of course.
