Angry Reactions
So you got a review on the Bad Webcomics Wiki... What to do now? Should you take the criticism to heart and try sucking less? Should you maybe delete your horrible mutation off the face of the internet so that it can't hurt anybody anymore? Maybe just cry and kill yourself. Those are all valid choices of things to do when you find a review of your comic on this site. But why do any of that when you can bitch and whine about it?
Over time we have received a number poorly worded retorts from webcomic artists who were displeased with their reviews. These range from long, dramatic walls of text telling us we don't know what we are talking about and that there is nothing wrong with writing a comic about the beautiful love that can be had between a man and his rape victim, to short, sarcastic comments written on tear-soaked keyboards about how little the artist care about our review and the quality of their own comic. Attempts to vandalize, delete or re-edit reviews more favorably behind our back have been made. As well as angry response comics, attempts to hack, redirection of links from our site and attempts to mobilize the comic's fanbase into a personal army attack on us that have all but failed. We even got one death threat! A tactic that has rarely ever been attempted is simply asking us to delete the review and explaining why you don't think you deserve it. It has rarely been attempted probably because it would usually also fail.
Few of our reviews ever get deleted. Those that do are, more often than not, simply bad to begin with and have little to nothing to do with how their target feels about them. However, doing any of the things listed above will not hail any results besides us laughing at you even harder and getting you added to this little hall of shame.
And remember: Calling us trolls automatically invalidates any criticism of your comic and magically fixes all of its flaws (not that it has any).
Addanac City
One day, a new member came to the BWW called hans17. In a fit of non-thinking, he wrote a shitty three-paragraph review of Addanac City. While he banged his head on the wall trying to figure what to do, help was called to fix this stain on the site. In the meantime, George Ford, creator of the comic, found out about it, and motivated by recent negative comments on his site and the BWW, decided the most civil thing would be to feign amusement at the situation:
Click for blog post
Yes, yes, I know what you say….ADDANAC CITY sucks. The art is infantile. The humor isn’t fit for a four-year old. “Why do you even bother to make this tripe?”
Firstly, because I enjoy it. Secondly, because people out there like it. And lastly (not to mention least of all), because it irritates the heck outta you!So, Mr. Ford, one of the reasons you go on with this hit is because you just want to annoy us. Nice way of not giving us any importance.
Oh, my sides are aching... really, how long did it take to think this up? Way to counter those immature kids and their elementary-school name-calling. You sure showed them.
Once again, feeling important. It takes a very deluded man to appreciate people just for visiting his site, not caring if they all hate it. Attention craving must make you think wrong.
Same here, and I'm not talking about the comic.
The Earth kept spinning, the wind kept blowing, the comic kept sucking, and the review kept developing. Nothing happened. However, energized by the strokes of approval of his fanbase, Ford kept shouting rubbish about his supposed posse of haters. He even made a comic mocking his invisible, obsessive enemies.
Sorry Ford, we don't have such fragile feelings. He didn't stop there, though. As a final hit of idiocy, the comic came with this lulzworthy comment, where he finally questions the motives of his imaginary hater squad, and even pulls a JDR.
Click for Ford's meltdown
Some of these kids have even ganged up with their “clique” to post AC up on their whiny Bad Webcomics site. Hee-hee…. I love to watch children play. They fetch fans so well. Thanks for the free promotion, tykes. :)
While I have nothing against folks who wish to speak their minds, what gets me is when these same people continue to return day after day to prattle on about how much they hate this site.
I’m not saying that you have to come here and stroke my ego and tell me how great and fantastic you consider AC to be, but it really doesn’t make much sense to arrive just to flame, insult, or otherwise b!t&h and moan about the comic. Especially since this is a FREE webcomic and it costs you nothing to stop by here. It will cost you just as much to leave it, too.DAMN YOU GUYZ, WHY DO YOU DIS MY COMIC IF ITS FREE? FREE MEANS NO STANDARDS! Notice the nod to the BWW. Again, we are just a bunch of kids who piss on things for fun, yet we secretly love his webcomic in secret. This guy will make himself believe anything other than the fact that his comic is shit and needs improving. Also, he seems to be of the belief that bad publicity is still good publicity. Sure, a stream of people who come to laugh and criticize your stuff and then leave forever is all kinds of good business, Ford. Quick, get below your rainbow blanket before you catch a cold!
Criticizing things is like spitting in somebody else's house? Wow, so that's how things work! I guess that explains why there's no criticism in the real world, and critics are just assholes with no sense of respect. This guy must hate Simon Cowell and Roger Ebert.
Jesus, Ford, do you really think you're doing a good job with this comic? Honestly, this is untouchable to you? Well, I guess that settles it. If you can't see the immeasurable genius that Ford is, you should just leave. Obviously, us and him live in separate worlds.
Obviously, on the Internet, people who dislike things are not welcome. The sign said so on the way in. What an immature child.
Against this, there were two different attitudes in the BWW. One was to shrug it off and move along. The other was to freak out and make the two shittiest comics ever on DrunkDuck. Hans17 did two terrible parodies of Addanac City and the Jonas Brothers (we assume he hated them too), and he even tried to make us review them officially on the wiki. He was banned with no remorse.
The Antillian Chronicles
So someone informed us that Nicholas has written a response to his review a while ago. Which is strange because I periodically look for them on Google and have never seen his. Which makes him implying our site is too obscure for him to notice all the more funny.
In his reply he tries to save face by painting the person who reviewed him as an insane stalker, threatening him and then stalking him back.
I'll just let you guys read it for yourself.
Read and enjoy
I apparently have a hate shrine
One review is a shrine.
Well, we are the first ones to notice your comic so I guess that makes us equal... Wait, no, you also contradict yourself about this later.
At least you admit it.
HAHAHAHA Oh my god, I have never seen a more arrogant person in my life. Apparently a few minutes of reading stuff on Google is "Months of determined stalking" and one article is a shrine.
He wasn't. I don't think he ever came back and he never let us know about your journal. Meaning your "Obsessed Stalker" forgot all about you literally the moment he posted that review.
"Friends" hahaha... It seems we are dealing with a badass Internet detective from Anonymous and his crew... You really got us scared.
And this is where I said he contradicts himself. On one hand he says the review is so meaningless that he is the first person to find out about it, but on the other hand, he admits that it is one of the biggest sources of hits, not only for his comic itself, but for the obscure blog linked on his article that no one has a reason to even click.
So, I started with the avatar of the wikia account profile which by reverse image search leads to the youtube page which leads by description to ~Mista-Heesh You have been unmasked.
Nice revenge! His article exposes you as a mentally ill moron and you get him back by... proving he is a much better artist than you? Good job.
FYI: I am typing this as I hide in the bushes and watch Nicholas with my binoculars.
I have recently acquired the password to our old email address that remained unchanged for months before we realized we lost the password. There I found a second Email by this guy accusing us of stalking him.
Read and enjoy
Again, a single article is hardly a shrine, and as far as the attacks on your personality are concerned, you really proved them wrong when you responded to the review by trying to find and post the personal information of the person who wrote it (and failing).
Good job.
Because your comic is short but the flaws in your character are abundant.
No, I will not fix it for you. How about you try to make me by stalking me back too?
So now that I have refused his request I will forever live in fear of the day he gets revenge on me by posting the url of my DeviantArt account on his journal.
Bittersweet Candy Bowl
A few days after a thread was posted (here is the thread in question, if you want to read more) about the comic, the artist's husband showed up on the forum. He argued with everyone, got called out on not revealing straight away who he was, offhandedly insulted a few other webcomic artists, complained about how everyone on Something Awful hates him and his wife, and left.
About a year after this charming display, a review was posted. This time he was back eight hours after it was up with a counter review. This time, he disclosed who he was upfront (too little, too late) and went on to tell us how the review was shallow and insufficient, and giving us a list of flaws in his own comic to comment on, my favorite of which being:
That is him talking about his fans...
Finally, the review was completely rewritten. The comic's actual creator now refuses to comment on it, so she must be very grateful to her husband for all his help.
Oliver's encore before leaving was commenting on one thread to insult The Oatmeal and tell us that we should write a review. And on another thread to call the creator of the webcomic "Love Me Nice" a bitch (they had a personal dispute years ago).
He still continues to claim that their lack of friends in the webcomic community has nothing to do with his people skills.
Black Jade
"Midgear" found his review and did not like it one bit.
Inside: Things no one cares about.
Seems like a pretty mature response, right? Well, keep reading.
Yes, that is exactly the reaction someone has when seeing your comic.
"Man or woman, or some combination of both if you are a character from my comic or from porno I jack off to".
He really did make it better by deleting it.
List of mistakes:
You screw up all the time.
Yeah, you obviously found it so hilarious that you quit.
The comic didn't last long after that. The author stopped updating for a while, then left a note on the front page telling everyone who is complaining that he never updates to fuck off, then didn't update for a while longer and finally just deleted the whole thing.
Boss Noodle/Chugworth Academy/Chugworth!/U.S. Angel Corps
The creator of U.S Angel Corps, Dave Cheung, has a history of poorly handling criticism. In the past, he had tried to vandalize the John Solomon article on Encyclopedia Dramatica where he is mentioned after he had made claims to not caring about being reviewed on his blog. Later he snapped at the owner of the Webcomic Overlook for saying he deserved that review and, finally, the article about U.S Angel Corps on TV Tropes was deleted and it is safe to assume it was due to complaints made by him.
With our site he had a real drama. Back when we were on Wikidot and soon after a review of USAC was added to the index, suddenly all reviews of Dave's comics were removed for ToS violations. Since Dave has a track record of doing this sort of thing, and since we can't think of anyone else who would have any motivation to defend Dave Cheung's reputation besides Dave Cheung himself, we believe Dave was the only person smart enough to complain to the actual administration of Wikidot instead of doing what most people did, which was sending abuse reports directly on the wiki which our admins would read, laugh at, and ignore.
To remedy this, after BWW was shut down on Wikidot and before moving to this new host, we contacted the owner of ShoutWiki to make sure these kinds of problems would not repeat themselves. As a special precaution, admin oddguy contacted them again prior to restoring these reviews to inform them that Dave will inevitably contact them to make fictitious threats of litigation and was assured that it should not be a problem.
So for now the reviews will stay where they are and we eagerly await Dave's return. In case the reviews ever do get deleted again, there are multiple copies of every single one readily available in the links at the bottom of his Encyclopedia Dramatica article.
Bridgette's Belly (and also Her Tiger Pajama's)
Recently we had rewritten the review of this comic that was lost that one time the site got fucked up. But after it was written it became apparent that the new review did not match the old one. A quick search uncovered that most of the comic's archives have been deleted. But it also turned up... this thing...
It seems Mr. Fraser was displeased with the original review (probably part of the reason he deleted the evidence) and sent the author an email to refute it tell her off cry and beg us to pity him.
(Spelling and grammatical errors highlighted by me)
Get ready for a sob story
shame to, I really enjoyed being called a racist. Where they got that Idea I have no clue.
you'll excuse my spelling errors, my hands are shaking…No, I will not excuse your spelling errors. Stop being a bitch and get a hold of yourself.
It was titled what? Learn to punctuate.
- Your*
English isn't even my first language and I still share the sentiment.
"Not that I could afford it anyway".
- Criticism*
The word you are looking for is "Ridicule".
Why didn't you correct it before sending the email instead of pointing it out?
You also forgot the apostrophe in "What's".
"But since I don't have any fans I now only use it to service myself".
(A little out of touch y'think? or [ insert creepy guy joke here ] )
A. What the hell is a "figg"?
B. If you find flaws in your work, why don't you ever fix them?
C. Yes, you are creepy. But that is not the reason why.
D. "yr"? Couldn't you type the entire word? Are two more clicks on a keyboard really that hard for you?
I just spent last year (and a good amount of money) To promote and increase traffic and book sales from the site. Do you know what it costs to do a convention? S.P.A.C.E. cost me $500 for a two day show and I only made $25. Don't even ask about Mid-Ohio-Con. Some half naked zombie sat on my table and got fake blood on half my stock. Nothing you have said so far is anything I haven't said myself. What bothers me is it's new, and gives me the impression that a years worth of time and money was misspent.
I don't know about you, but I'm not some kid with loads of spare time and mommy and daddies money.Oh god... I honestly don't even know where to begin with this. Do you hear this guy whining?
Let's set aside the poor grammar for a moment. No one cares about some zombie chick who sat on your desk. No one cares how much you spent or how much you made. No one cares about you trying to improve your comic because you have not made one iota of actual change to it. Most of us are not children, yet we are obviously still more mature than you are.
- Blown*
- Judgment*
Delete what? The comic or the email? Either one would have been good.
Well, call me Junior McBare-foot because that is exactly what I am doing.
We are so honored that you have generously graced us with your presence, and set aside time from your busy day of neglecting your child for the sake of drawing more ugly porn you can then try to sell online, so that you can write us an angry letter in which you beg for our mercy and then call us children and tell us we are not worth your time.
You have got to be the stupidest person that has ever contacted us.
- Critic's*
- "Review"* should probably not be plural in this case.
- Their*
Also, do you mean pander like you pander to your readers with fat, furry porn?
Said the man who moments ago called us children and told us he is squandering his time on us. You should pick up a dictionary and look up "Irony", "Hypocrisy" and "Bestiality" while you are at it.
Also, did you mean to say "you should know", or were you using the royal we? I hope it's the latter because some introspection wouldn't hurt you.
You would like to see our work? Okay!
Obviously this is far superior to your own comic.
Then he wiped his tears away, pointed his nose skywards and went back to butchering the English language using furry porn while his child starves in the next room.
On a lark, I went to Andrew Fraser's DeviantART page and commented to him that for the last page of Bridgette's Belly, he should have Bridgette eat a wafer-thin mint a la Mr. Creosote in the Monty Python movie The Meaning Of Life. His response was to hide my comment and block me. Long Tom.
Don't worry, Tom. I'll do it for you. SpazzticBunnyhood.
If Andrew Fraser learns about the review of his other webcomic, we can guess what his reaction will be:
The Chronicles of Loth
On a thread discussing us being bullies, the author of this comic offered his humble opinion:
Click for blog post
It is furry, and it is anime, and it is therefore terrible.
"If you don't like the sound of me beating my wife, just turn up the music and close a window".
Regarding the second part of that comment: We do not support or condone this. That review was the only review this person has written and was he was probably an idiot driven by some personal grudge. Nonetheless, the comic is still bad so we are not going to remove it.
We ask that nobody goes trolling webcomic artists on our behalf.
Collar 6
The Collar 6 article, despite being about a niche comic with a small audience, created a surprisingly large amount of crying. It began in this thread with non-BWW-members leaping to the comic's defense.
I see all the things you tear apart but not once have you mentioned anything any of you have done. At least these artists are expressing themselves and doing something positive instead of sitting in front of a monitor, stuffing their face with bon bons and taking out their insignificance on creativity which is beyond their capabilities.
Try doing something constructive. Your criticisms here sound like something out of jealous lesbian immaturity and boredom from lack of ambition and attention from anything in real life.You heard him folks, a seizure-inducingly colored mock-anime bondage webcomic is both ambitious and an endeavor, and everyone who thinks otherwise is jealous, immature, fat, apparently lesbian, and a failure at life.
The sobbing quickly spread over to the website of Collar 6 itself when, on September 22, 2009, one of the creators uploaded this blog post:
Click for blog post
This first paragraph is just astounding. Not only does he basically say Megatokyo and VGCats can't possibly be terrible because they have fans, but he also thinks that the problem with shittily ripping off anime style has something to do with him not being Asian.
It's promising that the guy is open to criticism, or at least doesn't have a webcomic superego.
The post has since been deleted from the site, unfortunately before anyone thought to screencap it, but rest assured that every comment made on it by fans was a loving, gentle pat to the writer's bruised ego.
Later, the webcomic site would have the following disclaimer posted:
Whether this came about because of the article here on the BWW or not is anyone's guess.
Concession (and also Ballerina Mafia and Order of the Black Dog)
There isn't much to say about us and this comic. His forum got super mad at us making that review and one particularly crazy fan got into a drawn out slap-fight with us that has been archived in "Concession fan reply" instead of this page. As for Immelmann himself, a long time after someone made another thread about this review where commented:
Immy doesn't love us anymore.
Darkwing Beyond
This was originally in our irregular section because we thought the actual response was lost. Recently we found it and boy is it good.
The creator of this comic actually wrote a review of our review!
It's too long to respond to but I've added a screencap of it.
Click to read
To give him some credit, he didn't take it as bad as some and acknowledged some of his own flaws. But it's still a really dumb way to respond.
Exiern (and also Blade Bunny)
This reaction is going to be presented a little differently than most. Instead of going through what this person said line by line and mocking it, this one will just be an exchange of our correspondence. Also, I wouldn't exactly categorize this response as angry, but it sure as hell not good enough the excuse the horrible webcomic that is was made for.
So, about two months ago I checked our old forum looking for something and noticed someone made a new post (something that happens from time to time with people who don't realized we've moved). I checked the post and saw that it was Drowemos who left the following note:
Expecting something else (the response I got was ultimately disappointing) I tracked him down and sent him an email which I have mistakenly deleted in which I ask him to explain. To it, this was his response:
Click for email
Still you asked so let me correct two things here.
First of all the line: "Drowemoss wants nothing more than your money with his cliché story," is just completely wrong. I never made money off of Exiern. It was a loss ever year. The memberships, donation and so on were just an attempt to stop the bleeding. It is true the first time I offered a nude pic I made $1800 in a week but that was a strange one time occurrence. In general the comic only made about $1000 which sounds like a lot of money until you realize that a good artist even an over seas one costs $100 and you need to have 3 pages a week plus at least 2 bonus pages per month to keep people happy and coming back to the comic. That's 10 pages a month at $100. When you factor in fees, hosting costs and other expenditures I lost about 200 bucks a month on the comic.
A better business man could have made money off the comic and in fact some have taken this model and ran with it to great success. But I was a crappy business man and frankly not really that interested in making money in the first place. I just wanted to be able to write something without going bankrupt.
I have talked in other places about my dyslexia and the fear of writing beaten into me by various English teachers in my life. It has also been mentioned that I am a piss poor artist and that after 2 years of effort and practice I generated no visible improvement in my art skills. Exiern was a way to tell stories, something I discovered I loved, while not having the request skills to otherwise tell one. I am sort of like the obese man who takes a gondola up the alps. I lack the ability to hike the mountains on my own but I love the mountains just the same. Perhaps more so than others since it's a view I never thought I would get to see.
Alright now the second thing: Denver
I hate Denver. I hated him from the start. I wrote him to be an over the top nerd who was too self important and always pushing himself into places he doesn't belong. Yes, he kissed Tiffany (the tg barbarian of the story) but that was a borrowed joke from a different story that got cut out in the redrawing process. Denver was never supposed to be a serious love interest or a serious anything.
Originally, the plot for Denver was he was to go into the woods with Tiffany. Tiffany would grow fond of him (originally in a more a older sibling/motherly way). Then when the it was discovered that he was a dragon (and originally some what going mad) Tiffany would kill him in cold blood because after all dragons are horrible creatures that murder people and abandon their children. It was supposed to be a reminder that the main character was, after all, a barbarian, as well as my own little criticism of the archetype that Denver represented.
Then the audience, the ones paying the bills, fell in love with him. I got the more positive feedback about Denver that I had about anything else in the comic (with the possible exception of just porn). In the face of all this adoration of a character I had planed to murder, I choked. I hastily rewrote the pages of the comic so that he wasn't killed. Although I did have to have him run off for no good reason because he was not in the next chapter of the comic.
I won't say that Denver is not a self-insertion character. But if he is, it a part of myself that I loath.
I suppose I am contradicting myself here by saying I altered my story in a way I didn't like because of fear of losing paying readers. It does sound like all I was interested in was money. In a way I was, but only in that money represented the ability to continue this storytelling endeavor. Keep in mind I was Exiern represents my first attempt creative writing. I was very unsure about what I was doing and I desperately wanted to keep the comic running.
In the end I realized catering to the audience in the terms of constantly inserting in porn and keeping around characters I disliked was holding me back. I may not be a good writer but if I ever hoped to achieve a status of adequate I would have to get rid of these bad habits. It took me a number of years to see that but when I did I sold the comic for a dollar and moved on.
Well that's my piece. I realize that I am beating a very very dead horse . But the inaccuracy in this review bothered me. Thanks for your time and for getting back to me.
I decided to write him back (my motivations for doing so are in the email) and said this:
Basically what you're telling me is that you were making a shitty comic you didn't like to make money to pay an awful, overpriced artist so you could continue to make a shitty comic which went on for several YEARS. First of all, why didn't you stop? Why keep going for so long? And furthermore, if you realize the comic was bad, why the hell did you pass it on to someone else to perpetuate this atrocity? Secondly, what were you even expecting to make exactly? You say you had to shove all that porn in there against your will for the sake of making money, but it was a "ha ha look at the tits" sort of comic from day one. After all, it was a tg comic. Are there any of those that AREN'T just a set up for jokes about unintentional nudity and groping?
The point is: I am not convinced. If you have anything else to add feel free. After that i'll add a retraction to the review and edit some of it to reflect what you told me. But even so, none of this is in any way redeeming.
After waiting a couple of weeks I have yet to get a reply from him and doubt I ever will. Therefore, as promised, I am posting our exchange here without further insults to which he can't reply and leave you all to draw your own conclusions. If at any point I receive word from him again I will add it here as well.
A few moths after this, the new owner of the comic sent me this Email:
Click for other email
Perhaps it's kinda sad that I didn't even REALIZE your exchange with my predecessor happened, especially since I do follow your blog quite often.
Anyway my name is Thomas Knapp (and I go by the handle of Chemiclord). I'm the sorry sot Drowemos handed the story to, and I figure I might as well dip my oar in, but it's actually to praise you and the work you do. Sure, the language you use is inflammatory, but ya know, if an artist or writer can't handle the heat, they shouldn't be in the kitchen. So I've got no quarrel with any of you or your fellow reviewers on that score.
I thought you'd like to know that I took over the writing duties because I felt, deep down underneath all the cheesecake and gags was an earnestly decent or even good story that could be told. I figured it was worth a shot. Whether I succeeded in doing so was a matter of opinion (some readers embraced the change in style and tone, some were alienated by it, some thought the exposition of Tiffany's past was powerful, some thought it crossed a moral event horizon that ruined the entire strip), but having concluded my storyline a couple months ago, I'm rather content with it.I actually took a lot of the critiques leveled by your wiki once I took over the writing duties, and tried to implement them as best I could. I would be curious as to how well you think I did to address those criticisms. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if you are inclined to do so.
Thank you.
Firstly, a clarification - the new owner mentioned above (Thomas Knapp) was a new writer hired by the new owner (Scott Hicken) who later took over also writing Exiern a couple of years later in 2014.
So, in 2015, Essaymod who hosts a webcomic review site called The Webcomic Review here ended up applying for a webcomic job with Drowemos but happened to do this as part of his application as posted on a thread about about Drowemos.
Read the whole thread here
There was no "drama". I applied to take over Blade Bunny, and linked TWR as an example of my writing....the very first post on which at the time was me saying I'd never read Blade Bunny but heard it sucked and wanted to try to salvage it for the challenge, with a link to the BBW review. He took that as me fucking with him, which was hardly unreasonable, so I apologized, he accepted it, and we went on about our respective days and now I write a webcomic for him.
Drow and I don't exactly hang out and go bowling or anything, but I've never experienced him being a douchebag.Then Drowemos dropped in and he and I had a nice chat, though oddguy was a bit perplexed by this turn of events.
I think Essaymod forgot he had this earlier conversation because he posted in 2016 all incognito like about the same webcomic (the now defunct Legend of the Hare) and asked us what we thought. I rumbled him and asked if it would help if we pretended we didn't know who he was, the thread was deleted and we tried again here.
Then oddguy possibly forgot he had that previous conversation (where he complemented Essaymod on his website no less) and challenged him to a fight in seemingly a case of mistaken identity.
go away Drowemos
you still suck
fight me irl
Anyway, the takeaway here is Drowemos did come back and in effect follow up on his previous correspondence, he and I made some small talk and discussion on the forum and there's been some email correspondence as well later on. He said to me that he could have expressed things and done better in the past and he's moved on from all of that which seems to be evidenced by a complete lack of any drama or animosity whatsoever in his visit to the forums.
So, all's well that ends well I guess?
Though your mileage may vary on Exiern still running for its 13th year in 2018.
2021 Update (by Shan)
Exiern is still running for its 16th year in 2021.
In 2021, Scott T. Hicken sold the entirety of Exiern to Bad Webcomics Wiki member Shan who took over the running of Exiern as of the 1st of January 2021 for the sum of $1.
Forest Hill
In "Angry Reactions" Section because - Author joined our forums. However, he became very upset when we took his webcomic from the "Not Bad" section to the regular listings, as we found that it jumped the shark and went very badly downhill.
Campion enjoyed our (initial) positive review of his webcomic, and then became a semi-regular at our forums, occasionally giving out advice to new authors.
UPDATE: Sadly, this webcomic has changed for the worse in the past couple of years. How do I mean?
Originally this webcomic was about cartoon animals with child molesting and its consequences as a major part of the story. A few scenes of child nudity and genitalia were added for effect. Unfortunately, in recent times there has been far more child nudity for no good reason, but worse than that is the way the adults, particularly Colin and Flora, end up making some very bad decisions and seem to be showing more sympathy towards the children who did them harm instead of their own children. Talitha is very young and could not know better, but Benni and Beth-Anne are certainly old enough to understand their sins, but they are taken in by Flora, who doesn't seem to care what they have done.
As might be expected, Campion was NOT pleased when we pointed this out. He was probably especially displeased since I was the one who wrote the original good review and would later change it to a negative one after it went downhill. But others, including multiple former fans, agreed with my new opinion of the webcomic and what I said about it. (Long Tom.)
GamerGate Life/Triggerhappy (and also Guild Adventure)
Someone posted a link to our review on Kukuruyo's DA page (why do people keep doing that?) and his response was so stupid and poorly worded that I didn't even plan on including it here.
As you can see, he flip-flops between claiming he trolled us, the SJWs trolled us and calling us trolls. So why am I adding this anyway if I said it isn't even worth adding? Because it later turned out that this wasn't the end of it. One of our Spanish speaking fans found a post on his Facebook, that we overlooked due to language barriers, which he kindly translated for us.
So (obviously) Kukuruyo totally trolled us and is super not butthurt. He also thinks we reviewed all the comics on the internet and doesn't care about his own comic... but still sucks GG's dick for t-shirt money.
Before I wasn't sure if this guy was a con artist or an idiot, but now I'm sure he's both.
God's Story
MoonLover left his fans a note regarding us in the comic's comments.
Butthurt imminent.
I don't think "Popularity" is the word you are looking for. Try "Contempt".
Flood of comments? Good work BWW.
OMG... Here it comes... What will it be? A half hearted apology? A dubious disclaimer? A weak attempt to justify his actions?
NOOO!! HAHAHA! He doesn't care that he's a sick pervert!
I think that statement would be far more truthful if he just replaced the words "what you think of" with the word "About".
First of all, it's "aren't going to bring me down", you illiterate fuck. Secondly, you can write us all off as trolls if it makes you feel better, but all it takes is a pair of eyes to see we are right about you and your comic.
Which is why he has not updated for almost a year after he left that comment.
More hits? Try any hits. We are the only reason anyone knows who you even are.
After making this brave stand against us, he abandoned his comic and started a new comic... his twenty third comic! Does this guy not have a job?
On a final note, I just want you to know that out of all of his twenty-three comics, "God's Story" is not even the worst. He has another one literally named "Mr. Pedo".
Hearts of wildfire
Upon discovering the article for his webcomic, Charlie Alexander Luna gave this wonderful message to our friendly neighborhood reviewer, Norad Bush:
Click for the tastefully written response
I AM NEW YOU Stupid idiot!!
I never done stuff like that before… and I do it for fun. I get no profits whatsoever… also it shows that you Yourself can't draw… since otherwise you would realise how hard it is to draw when you never tried before…"How dare you tell me my food tastes like shit! This is the first time I've ever cooked in my life, you don't get to judge me! Get out of my restaurant!"
Uh oh, looks like we pissed of a super badass internet ninja here.
and you know? is funny… because even if my art might be subpar… as well as my vocabulary… at least I got an excuse… english is not my mother language… nor my second… I know 5 languages… how does it feel? yeah…Why are you... typing like... this... it looks like... you are really indecisive... or your keyboard... is broken...
Also, Applegeeks is still shit.
Not being satisfied with throwing moronic threats around like a thirteen-year-old listening to his first rap album, Urashima/Luna/whatever set up a troll account to a) threaten the article's other author, and b) circumvent his permaban imposed by the Las Tittas forum's admins who are still upset by his batshit insanity.
Click for screencap
Let's hope the little fella doesn't chase any of our reviewers down any dark alleyways with a plastic cosplay katana any time soon.
I. M. Hip
After reading the review, Thomas Fay had this to say:
After making this somewhat spiteful reply, he actually went on to try to improve the comic. He first fixed some of the errors that were sited in the article, then he asked his readers for advice, and finally he shut down the website and moved the comic to his DA gallery.
Jack (the other one)
Soon after our own review, The Webcomic Overlook wrote one of their own. Catya did not like that one bit. And why would she? She got a well deserved 1/5 stars, and reacted in the same manner that all bad webcomic artists, and her in particular, are famous for. I.E: had a massive meltdown in the comment section, drew and angry response comic, wrote a disingenuous apology and removed the comic... but only after waiting a few months.
During the aforementioned meltdown, she was confronted with the other review of her comic and asked to comment. At that time we had a short, but meaningful exchange:
So, as you can tell, anyone calling her comic bad, or telling her that she should improve, is nothing but a big, nasty troll.
On behalf of the BWW I would just like to say:
Katya explained she was just angry because someone was harassing her online. Check the review's new bio section for further detail.
Kirby's Fan Mail
Several years after the review was written, the author posted this series of tweets:
Presented without comment.
Least I Could Do (and also Looking For Group)
On May 16, 2009, the entire review for 'Least I Could Do' was deleted and replaced by this message:
Not only does it tell the writers of the BWW that we oughta be ashamed of ourselves for such awful behavior (honestly, what would our mothers say!), but it also implies that we are teenage girls who enjoy going to the mall and reading Twilight. All that's missing is a comment about us all living in their parents' basements and it would have won the grand prize!
Fortunately, BWW user Norad Bush had the good sense to keep a backup of the article and everything was restored without hassle.
Some time later he made a plotline in the comic called "Haters Gonna Hate" about people who make fun of him. In it, he makes a pathetic attempt to make people feel sorry for him by making the little girl in his comic cry because she read mean things about him on the internet. But since the little girl just looks like like the main character's head on top of a little girls body, this only reminds everyone the only person Shomer cares about is himself.
After some time looking, I was unable to find any significant criticism of this comic other than ours prior to him this series of strips, and since we knows he knows about our review and hates it, it's safe to say that comic was about us.
Lemon Inc.
Tim Lai left a very passive-agressive post on his Twitter about it several years after it was written:
-fat jokes (not nice or funny) -Asian jokes (not okay just because I'm Asian)
-Andy "hitting on" Tommy's mom (nowhere did I say she "accepted it" and the joke was just about Andy's child-like idea of "masculinity" but this was not a good joke)-homophobic jokes -transphobic jokes?
-shallow female characters which are there to motivate male charactersWhile I'm glad Tim recognizes his old comic sucked and can see his own flaws, it also quickly contradicts itself by dismissing us as haters. Make of that what you will.
Lethal: Death Squad Rising
When writer Joeby Gibson discovered his comic was spotlighted on the BWW, he at first seemed to take it like a good sport.
But when the members in the forums began to question Gibson's motives as being purely attention-seeking, the butthurt began. Twitter-style.
Click for the Twitter bitch fest and responses from our own Nightgoat
So Joeby's Twitter feed was a hilarious cry fest last night, and it was full of bad arguments to support his comic. Let's take a look at a few of them.
Okay, so Joeby obviously reads this page. First I didn't call him an attention-seeking prick but I stand by Lesbot's observation. Why would someone who isn't seeking attention post a link to a bad review, send the author of the review a message, and then start an all night group session about the review? It's a pretty fair assessment of what happened. All of these behaviors are a cry for attention, which is okay- he is a comic creator and most creators have pretty massive egos, but don't whine about someone noticing your actions. Also notice how he puts the word critic in quotation, he goes on to say:
This is a common argument and a piss poor one at that. Interesting fact: NightGoat is not my real name, it's a shocker, I know. It's an anonymous handle. Yes, I could very easily be a 16 year-old kid with a lot of free time on my hands, but I could just as easily be a 37 year-old working comic book creator who is sick of seeing his lifelong love and lively-hood perverted by people with no respect for the craft. Joeby has no idea if I can, or ever have- made comics. Why use an anonymous handle? Well there are lots of possible reasons; I could be a coward, I could be one of Joeby's close personal friends that hates his work but doesn't want to start a personal fight, I could be working comic book creator who doesn't want to start personal feuds but does want to defend good comics by highlighting the bad ones. Because we don't know who I am, writing the review off as being done by a "critic" who can't create is a weak argument at best.
Also: if i made a movie and Rodger Ebert called my movie shit, I would take a serious look at where I fucked up. Critic doesn't mean uninformed.
(Edit: Joeby points out that if i am going to quote him I should make sure it isn't a statement made by someone else that he is agreeing with...strange I seem to recall him posting several times to twitter that I called him an attention-seeking prick, when I did no such thing: I was agreeing with someone who said it. Hypocrite much?)
I apologize for getting the title incorrect, however; nothing in the title is misspelled- I guess they don't teach the difference between spelling and diction at the University of Bozeman. (Edit, I did make a spelling mistake in the title. Fuck shit, the entire review is rendered worthless.)
I guess I shouldn't expect Joeby to understand why this is a terrible argument. To be able to write a parody of something you have to first be able to write that which you are parodying and you have to be able to write parody, I am not convinced the Joeby can do either of those things. Furthermore this doesn't let you off the hook for not being able to write female characters, or for treating them as objects. Plenty of writers write misogynistic characters without themselves being misogynistic and without making the work as a whole being such. There is a difference between how the characters in the story treat female characters and how the author treats his female characters; Joeby treats all his female characters like objects. And finally to simply state that your subject matter is either "bad" or guilty of a certain flaw, and as such your writing shouldn't have to move beyond it is the worst possible writing sin. You breed in weakness. Joeby isn't the only writer guilty of this, there are lots of them. If you start out saying that this comic is a "bad 80's action film," you will never -as a writer- move beyond it. How does an author expect us to call something good, that they themselves term as bad?
Cop out alert. We are reading it because it was put on the goddamned internet. It's out there, in the public now, and no where does it state that we have to be fans to read it. Also how is that a fucking Tip? It should read: "WHINE: You create content for your fans. If someone doesn't like your comic, then why are they reading it?"
This is more of a tip, and here is a tip in return: They are hung up on them because they are poorly executed.
SOME ONE ELSE MADE SOME SHIT SO I CAN MAKE SOME SHIT TOO. You should live and die by the quality of your work, not the fact that some people will pay money for shit.
Here he is absolutely correct. The insults in my review weaken the argument. I definitely learned that lesson. Lethal is a terrible comic on so many different technical levels. However, when my review goes into the attacks on Joeby's intelligence, accuses him of masturbating, etc- it loses focus on just how bad the comic is in its craft and the focus starts to shift toward my anger at it. The comic is very bad, but Gibson himself probably isn't. He is no Ryan Sohmer or Keith Buckley, he just doesn't have the skills to do what he wants. In future reviews I will be sticking to a technical discussion of the work much more, and attempting to leave a lot of the insults out of it. I can't promise that I won't ever insult the creators, but I will focus more on why their work is bad, not why they personally are bad.
Overall, Gibson did nothing but show all members of the BWW what a bitching, moaning crybaby he is. The lesson learned? The best way to respond to criticism: don't.
The creator of "Lovefeast" opened this thread on the "Top Webcomic List" forums to complain about being reviewed.
Here is what she had to say:
Anyone here ever heard of it? I just found out about it today. Lovefeast made it on there.
Too bad any decent points it makes are somewhat invalidated by the writing (good thing you don't actually need to be a good writer to post on Wikidot)You don't have to be one to make a webcomic either... Case and point.
Yes, there couldn't possibly be more than one person who thinks your shit comic is shit. It's simply impossible.
Hahaha... Do you really think that? I read it. It is.
I don't know if Norad did this intentionally, but lol...
... What? What the fuck does that even mean you moron?
This point is that you are too stupid to take any of our advice and improve. That's why it's better to post this publicly so everyone can just laugh at you, instead of in a privet email, so you can pretend it never happened.
You're right. Why not? Why not bring more attention to the fact you suck and that people have been flocking over to your site just to see how much. Perfect reasoning.
From then on the thread devolved into a massive circlejerk, where they continued to tell one another that we are all trolls, who only write reviews because we are jealous that our own comics about gay girly-boys with horribly misshapen bodies are not as good as their's. And we were also hilariously white knighted by Ace Plughead and William Greggory, in a display I have no other way to describe but "cute". Although, I am not sure if at the time Greggory was already featured on this site.
The comic itself, which at the time of the review only contained 24 pages, only reached 46 before stopping it's updates indefinitely in 2010. We can't know for sure if this did or did not have anything to do with our review helping the creator to realize this comic is not worth continuing, but we can only hope.
One way or another: Good riddance.
Love Not Found
So far, the response has been limited to a sad attempt at combining a self-affirmation with a rebuttal on tumblr to an anon saying we had a point:
Lucky Dawg
The review was crap and was deleted but the response is still hilarious
Rooting around google we found a really old post on some comic we never heard of about a review we didn't know existed. The creator first pointed out he noticed there was an empty review page about his comic, and when that caused whoever wrote it to try and continue it he wrote a review of the review on his blog. Finally, whoever wrote the original thing just deleted it and was never heard from again and the blog posted a final victory note.
Two years later we found the blog buried somewhere deep within a google search and it mentions getting a massive spike in traffic from that one line review. So to call this comic unimportant would be an understatement. In truth, the review itself was pretty crappy. We have no idea who wrote that article or why. The person who did it did not post on the forum to ask anyone if he should write a review of the comic and quit soon after changing his mind. However, the comic is, in fact, bad.
Original Life (and also Better Days)
What's worse than an author who can't take criticism? When the author's fans lick his boots. Several months after our review of Original Life was posted, Naylor posted an entry on his Livejournal account called "The Kind of Fan Mail I Love". He posted what is apparently a reproduction of a fan letter slamming us.
For the most part we don't concern ourselves with fan reactions. In part because almost every review we write brings about a river of tears on the comics respective forum, and in part because it's simply beneath us. But, seeing as how Naylor himself reposted this thing, it makes it a special case.
The entry reads as follows:
Get some coffee. This is long, boring, and poorly written.
generally entertaining in pointing out blatant flaws in comics, when I happened upon the review of your comic, Original Life. I read the entire reviews, as well as your entire comic, and I must say that I DO NOT understand what they are complaining about!
Their criticism amounts to "asdf they don't have the same views as me!!!! no fair!!!!" and insults about art style from your very early
comics, which I must say has improved greatly since the first comic.What? No it hasn't. Seriously, click the "go to start" button, then the "most recent" button. It's exactly the same.
That's not true. We also called him a racist and a misogynist.
your comic was entirely uncalled for. I am just writing to let you
know that not everyone will mindlessly hate any comic posted on that site,You're right. Only people with good taste.
"Gained a new reader", didn't you read it before you wrote that letter? Or are you trying to say that you are now going to start reading it on a regular basis to get us back for writing a bad review? In which case I must say: WOW! you really taught us a lesson!
If you were, you wouldn't like this comic.
We did not imply that. We implied that Naylor is a pedophilic animal rapist with a penchant for Ayn Rand.
Yes, some people will brake off relationships with their friends for making anti-American comments, fly off the handle at their girlfriends, and delete negative commentary about their comics from their website. I wonder who those some people are.
<3 The Bad Webcomic Wiki.
After saying thank you and stating essentially what I said at the top of this journal post, they added in a following email:
has actually caused me to look back at the other reviews there more objectively. I am beginning to see that many (but not all!) of the comics on that wiki were being unfairly criticized in a similar manner
to yours,You mean being called bad for being bad? Yes, that is very unfair of us.
I wouldn't say "giving them a chance". "Putting them in danger", maybe?
Deleting critique when you can, pretending it doesn't exist when you can't, and earning a reputation as an insufferable prick and possible racist as a result is "standing up to critics".
By the way, we're not withholding the name on the letter. Naylor is.
Let's ignore the fact that this letter doesn't go into enough detail to explain why the review is unjustified and move on to the really big problem: there's no undeniable proof that this is a genuine fan letter. For all we know, this could be a fabrication written by Naylor to spite us. Maybe it is real, but faking it just seems like the kind of thing he would do.
I particularly like the line, "turning away many prospective readers without even giving them a chance to read for themselves," as if to suggest that we don't provide links to the comics we review, or that we actively prevent people from reading them somehow.
Pages of Life
About five fucking years after the review was posted, Luke Page decided to respond to it after spending all that time simmering in rage. In his response he explains that he knew our old reviewer Lesbot and melodramatically tells the tale of how she forever ruined his love of art by being pure evil. What he says is so stupid I didn't feel the need to add commentary.
Name withheld and hilarious insults/pathetic whining highlighted by me.
How a webcomic review ruined a man's life
Venting about Stupid Pointlessness
It's been a long time.
I haven't put pencil to paper. I haven't even attempted to put any heart into anything that I do attempt to produce. If I am brutally honest, I'm not good enough to do so. It's been rubbed into my face many times, the opinions of hateful people who have nothing else better to do, and I've done my best to turn the other cheek and get on with my life. Some people aren't worth the anguish, y'know?
But there's one person who managed to sink their disgusting teeth into me. One person who I can't seem to avoid, forget, nor forgive. Every time I have some kind of memory, or completely random online encounter with her work, I fall into this trap of pure hatred for both of us; how someone could be so heartless, so bigoted, and allow themselves to become this huge ugly hypocrite, and how I despise myself for continuing to let something that happened almost 5 years ago haunt me to this day, and no doubt for the rest of my life.
I'm talking about [Name withheld].
They say, in anything regarding creative works, be it design or art, the best thing to do is to "Fail Faster". If you have an idea, go with it. If it's not good enough, then you learn from it. That's how you get better. When I started my journal comic, it was a fun little time passer where I got to draw stuff about whatever I liked, be it well done or poorly rushed. I enjoyed it. I met [Name withheld] while studying at University, and by "met" I mean she yelled something like "OMG YOU'RE ON DEVIANTART?" while I was checking my messages here during a quiet moment in a lesson. I later found her gallery and became enamored by her work. And, after an awkward start, we had this sort of acquaintanceship going. I eventually fell into the same friend group as her, some of which are still in contact with me to this day. [Name withheld], if I am honest, was very difficult to talk to. She was a very negative person, always had some snarky comment to make, but in my naïvety, I ignored them and simply saw them as her quirks. I was just that impressed and in awe of the idea of "Wandamagick", this online persona of a fun-loving cutesy girl, that I couldn't see just how much of a sad, hateful person that she was.
I did eventually show her my comic, and at first, her criticism was constructive and very helpful. I did learn a lot from her, but as most students do, I continued to draw my work the way I liked. Not to say I didn't completely ignore her, I certainly like to believe that I took on board what she suggested, but if I'm to truly develop, I should follow what I like to draw. And if I like to draw quickly and scruffily, then that's fine. If I draw something about something I really shouldn't talk about, then that's fine too. Mistakes are to be made, that's how you improve. Another bright idea of mine was to advertise my comic on Facebook. Make a fanpage for people to go to, comment on my work, and get a broader sense of what I should concentrate on should I need more improvement (who doesn't?). I sent invites to people who I thought would support me. [Name withheld] didn't like this. So, as any sensible friend who wants nothing but the utmost in quality to come out of the people she helps, she wrote a lovely little comedic review on Bad Webcomic Wiki, which I later discover that she's an admin of.
Known as "Lesbot" on the site, turns out she's quite the celebrity. She's written reviews on Ctrl-Alt-Del, VGCats, Least I Could Do, a lot of the big hitters. So, why on earth would she want to write about a little comic on Smackjeeves, that nobody even knows about? Because I decided to make a fan page and invite her boyfriend to join it. This was seen as a sign of arrogance on my part, so she got a friend to help her write the review. It was all agreed that I was to be added to the hall of fame that is The Bad Webcomic Wiki, because I'm terrible at drawing, my topics were dull and pointless, and I had no grasp of reality. Not only did they attack my comic, they attacked me personally, as well as some of the kindhearted people who sent in guest comics for me to upload... One of which, was [Name withheld] herself. So why she decided to attack her own work is beyond me, but alas here we are. It's not the first time I've been trolled on the internet, or had someone insult me online. That kind of thing just happens. What you don't expect is that stuff to be thrown at you from someone you know who lives down the street, someone you looked up to. That hurt. Big time.
Since then, whenever I visited my friends, or whenever my friends talked about me visiting or anything like that, she always had some kind of cruel thing to say about me. I've never had anything bad to say about her, not once during the time I knew her did I even contemplate the very thought. But she felt the need to belittle me constantly, behind my back or to my face. I didn't (still don't) understand exactly why she did it, and to this day, I still reel over it. I've not been able to draw stuff I like. I've not been able to follow projects through. When I'm asked to draw something for someone, I crack under pressure. Before the review, I probably could have gone through with this stuff, with some kind of false sense of confidence. Nowadays, I just know I'm terrible. And I know it's not healthy, because it's stopped me from being who I was.
The funniest thing about her these days though is that I've discovered that, through random stumbling through Tumblr, among her latest interests is My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she is a Pegasister. And on top of that, she's still a very popular artist. No doubt, many bronies are fanboying over her works as we speak. Perfectly fine by me, she's a great artist and deserves the praise. What gets me the most is that this cruel, heartless woman, enjoys a show that teaches kids (and grown-ups, I know I've learned a thing or two) about friendship and how people can co-exist peacefully and friendly to each other. Never, in all the years I've tried to get over this stupid problem of mine, did I expect the sarcastic, foul-mouthed [Name withheld] to enjoy the antics of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. I often wonder if she's learned anything from the show, and contemplated what she's done in the past to countless anonymous faces on the internet over their comics. And, sometimes, egotistically, I wonder if she still thinks of me, and how she's potentially ruined comics, drawing, and any kind of art for me for the rest of my life. If I were to describe her in a way bronies would understand, she's the Diamond Tiara of the internet. Keeping up appearances, but a stone cold bitch on the inside.
I suppose the thing that pisses me of the most about this whole thing is not the cruelty of an idol to her fan, not the treacherous behavior of a friend, not even the hilarious hypocrisy of not just the guest comic, but the whole idea of her being a brony... The thing that gets me the most is my inability to move on from what is essentially a playground fight. It's childish. It's stupid. It's pathetic.
But I'm still mad. Congratulations to [Name withheld], the best troll on the internet.
Thanks girl, you're awesome.
I know some might say it's bad form to write reviews about people you know in real life, but I'm not against it. This isn't the first time I saw someone who met some incompetent artist and became so frustrated with trying to make them less like shit that they ended up either writing a review about them or asking us to do it. If anything, unlike other reviews, where we have to speculate about the author's personality, here we have a first hand account. Not that there is a need for it because Luke pretty much admitted to everything said about him in that review. He demonstrated that he's really a twat with this very response, he proved he can't draw and won't improve by the fact that the last page he ever posted looked exactly as bad as the first and then demonstrated that he gives needlessly personal information in these comics by that same page containing a drawing of himself fucking his girlfriend.
If this review made you quit making webcomics I am fucking glad.
Panty Brigade
We had quite a bit of fun with the reaction to this review.
Boo hoo hoo...
Before the review was even finished the comic's creator caught a whiff of our intentions and posted this:
After the review was published he posted this:
(Typos highlighted by us although there were other mistakes that could not be highlighted like when he calls us "thebad comic wiki" for example)
haha so it seems some people over at the bad webcomic wiki just cant comprehend the awesomeness that is the goddamn panty brigade. you know what that means right dicks and slits?
HELL YES. obviously they dont understand my ARTISTE’s mind ;D Do i feel sad we got tossed into thebad comic wiki? hell no! Think abouut how many comics try so hard to get a reaction and fail. good, bad? w/e we got a reaction! I’m sure someone there will secretly fap to the huge titties. haha! This is sooo hilarious like you don’t even know.
BTW punk has NOTHING to do with being happy with yourself. and has EVERYTHING to do with not giving a shit about what others think/say. oh and also to offend as many things as you can haha. to paraphrase guttermouth at least.
To end this i give a one finger salute and SFW to you all ,
good night!
Usually we decorate these things with our snarky commentary, but this man's responses are so damn stupid I don't even see a point to it.
After declaring his own victory he tried to fight off dissenters by anonymously replying to people on his own chatroom/shoutbox and having an immature slapfight with them which only resulted in a massive spam/flame-war. Just to be clear: we did not participate nor did we encourage anyone to spam, flood or invade people on our behalf. This somehow just happened on its own. He followed up this victory by not posting anything for a month and a half.
But just as we thought he was dead and gone he returned to make one last reply to us which sadly was not properly archived by the wayback machine. We no longer have contact with the people involved to ask them, but from the replies it seems possible he might have even drawn a comic about us.
But all good things must end and he finally came to his senses and left us this final apology:
Don't feel sorry for him just yet; read on.
So I’m going to officially say I am sorry to those that weren’t hating just to hate..
After that the comic remained inactive for a while before finally going offline.
Rot in peace, you trash heap.
Finally, he revived the comic yet again. And if you think he learned a single thing or that his apology was at all sincere, then you must be new to this site. The new comic was just as bad as the old one, and when the reincarnation of his abomination got another bad review he responded by pretty much telling the person who made it "lol thanks for the pageviews!" more or less.
Pictures of You
So, while checking to see if anyone has ever mentioned us on twitter, I ran across a couple of tweets by the infamous Gibson Twist.
He describes our review of his comic as "More than a little racist" because it commented how he draws all people of all races the same, save for a small change in hue. Which begs the question, what does that make him? Since he's the one who drew them like that.
Romantically Apocalyptic
A few days ago I got an urgent Email from the shoutwiki administration that they have received a complaint that we are libeling and infringing upon someone's copyrights. At first I assumed it was Dave Cheung, having recently re-added his reviews to the site, but when I asked for clarification I was told that the reviews in question were those of "Romantically Apocalyptic", "Niels" and "So... You're a Cartoonist?". I thought this was then the work of Humon or Tom Preston, but the name of the complainer didn't ring any bells.
It was Vitaly S. Alexius' wife!!!
Usually this is a section for complaints by the actual author, but this time I figured: "Close enough".
The admin that contacted me informed me that he had asked for specific examples and, since I have yet to receive any new word on the matter, I assume they have yet to get them. He also pointed me to a usable version of the template Wikipedia uses to qualify its own copyrighted material as fair use that we could also use in this case so that we didn't have to delete anything.
Also, there was no libel in any of those reviews and if there was it would be easy to fix that without deleting the entire review, which is what I believe this complaint was a pathetic attempt to get us to do.
Maybe she should stick to posting naked pictures of herself online and leave the thinking to someone else.
I guess the email didn't work because a few days later someone left us this eloquent response in the form of an abuse report-
At first I believed it was his wife again, but Alex claims it isn't her or anyone related to him. However, since he has a history making anything that reflects badly on him disappear (including trying to get this review removed) I seriously doubt he would admit to it if it was.
I leave you to draw your own conclusion.
Still not satisfied, they redirected one of the links on the review to another page containing their retort... I guess they didn't know how to redirect traffic or something. So now I suppose I have to write a response to the response.
It took 7 people to write this. Apparently.
You most likely came here from a site called Bad webcomics,
since that's the only site that links to this VERY special page.(Not anymore)
but is rather about: trolling and writing asinine bullshit based on made-up evidence, to stir up flame-wars.
If the amusement is gained entirely on the basis of mocking someone else and tearing down their work, we don't think that kind of behavior merits any respect.
This entry was written by 7 creators from the RA team.
We stand together against false claims and libelous statements.
I find it hilarious that the RA team has 7 people. Does it really take that many people to run pictures through a photoshop filter?
MakarovJAC (from Bad Webcomics) makes the following statements about RA (highlighted in blue).
Lets review each one, while pointing to factual evidence.Go on...
Most of the texture backgrounds for the comic are in FACT shot in abandoned places all around the world as evidenced in the "ART" section of this website.
Episodes: 0, 3b, 4b, 5d, 5f, 7b, 8b, 9b, 58, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, 94, 95, 96, 99, 101, 102, 110, 111,
Are you fucking kidding me? What exactly is your definition of "from scratch"? I started looking through these and gave up when I realized every one I looked at was still composed of edited photos of backgrounds as backgrounds and edited pictures of people as characters.
Also, good job on missing the point. It doesn't matter if you find pictures on google of take them yourself. What matters is that you're an artist that doesn't draw anything.
The production process describing the use of costumes was on the INFO page of this website for many years, and also described in THIS TUTORIAL.Your response to the previous question literally disproves everything you're saying in this one! So we said you claim you draw shit from scratch and virtually lie about it, and your answer to the last question was saying that you draw shit from scratch which I have shown you are lying about!
Furthermore, there are some claims (including in the review) that you delete evidence. On our old forum I asked to confirm if you ever actually claimed to draw everything from scratch before we say that in the article and someone said he saw it but everything was deleted. Makarov later posted links to more proof, but those have been curiously deleted as well.
How suspicious.
The picture this is linked to is still online, but the comments have been disabled. However, we can still read them by looking at Web Archive.
Torture Device is a known racist, white-supremacist troll on deviantart.
"Parody", yeah, right. It makes me laugh you try to lie and pretend what he said about you was a parody and that we misunderstood when everyone knows it was 100% legit and you reported him for it.
1)Fallout did a combination of a "titanic joke" and "post-apocalyptic location" 10 years before TankMen.
2)This writing in comic is actually inspired by works of Russian writers Brothers Strugatsky from 1950's to 1980's.
Their books contain apocalypse, horror and comedy themes.
"obvious rip off of the webcomic "Gone With The Blastwave"
1)First Blastwave concept art was posted on deviantart in July 1st 2005.
First RA concept art was posted on Deviantart in January 3, 2005.
That makes RA older by 6 months.
2)RA doesn't have color-coordinated armies waging war against each other, nor nameless protagonists and antagonists.
Google the comic "Goodbye, Soldier!" by Juan Gimenez from Heavy Metal.
It is a "post-apocalyptic-comedy comic" about a brief struggle of "gas-masked nameless heroes" and it was published in 1981.
Okay, you got us there. Let no one say we are incapable of admitting when we are wrong. I should have checked the dates before saying you ripped them off and I will edit the review to reflect that.
So I'm sorry Alex for calling you an art thief when you're actually just really, really unoriginal.
A fake quote made up to prove a false point to seed mistrust between fanbases of the two comics where there isn't any:
Alexiuss and Kimmo are actually planning to make a collaborative episode.
Well, as I have shown before, you go back and delete anything negative you say or is said about you, so I doubt I will find it. Makarov tried to look up the quote but he said that whenever he did find a lead it would always be mysteriously deleted. The review itself has a quote of you saying something almost the same but the link that leads to it is nother delted comment.
But even if I don't have proof I have an eye witness who saw you say it. Too bad you can't delete people's memories like you delete your journals, right Alex?
This merchandise rumor exists ONLY on Bad Webcomics, written to stir drama.
First of all, It's funny (and sad) that you think our reviews are part of some secret plot to thrust people's fan forums into turmoil. We could not care less what your legion of suck-ups think of this review but I am glad to know it had such a major effect on them.
Secondly, all proof is, again, gone. Shocking. But regardless, you charge nearly 50$ for a fucking t-shirt. Are you shitting me? That's all the proof I need.
You all are a bunch of jealous fucking haters!!!!!!!!"
1)If Oddguy (the admin of BadWebcomics) actually bothered to check the IP of the "eloquent response" report note (that he himself posted as evidence), he'd know that this note was sent by an angry fan from Washington (who is not related to the RA team whatsoever).
Here's the thing- I actually did check the IP and figured it was her anyway because she was the one who tried to report us to our host (more deleting evidence? Good work) and that report came a day or two after her request was denied. If not her than it was someone else from your team of MENSA members. I know you say that it isn't, but it's too much of a coincidence and the more I delve into writing this the more I have reason to doubt your honesty.
Hahahaha! You've done a real fine job at that!
Hang on... Why does MakarovJAC feel the need to point this out not once but three times?
We've used google to find that MakarovJAC is an artist himself.
Looks like he even used to post his drawings on in 2012.
This is the review his artwork received there:
You got us. It was that day that young Makarov's life changed forever. He began drinking and slowly went down a spiral of depression and self destruction. To this day he sometimes wakes up covered in sweat in the middle of the night as the word "Smudged" echos in the distance...
Or maybe he just said it because your drawings are shitty and smudged.
MakarovJAC: Yes, I did a digital painting. But I don't act like a little bitch for not getting some asspats. Also, finish reading that thread. You will find something called "humility". Alexy could learn a thing or two from it.
MakarovJAC spent most of his life on on deviantart insulting, badly criticizing and trolling whichever teenager's artwork displeased him most, instead of trying to improve his own drawing skills.
Wow, he's an art critic that spends his time criticizing bad art? How dare he?! That's almost as bad as an artist who doesn't actually draw anything... Oh, wait.
No, we just found your comic bad.
If you want money get a job. Instead of selling tshirts at 47.50$ a pop.
Yes, editing photos instead of drawing is a very simple drawing style.
"Boo hoo trolls hurt my feelings".
The more comics they insult, troll and write lies about, the more views they get from angry fans.
Did you just seriously compare us to the WBC? I don't even have anything to say about that. This is just too funny.
Of what?
"Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, harm minors or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable."
It's only a matter of time until their current wiki host removes them for similar issues if they keep posting defamatory reviews.Actually, we were never told exactly what we were shut down for. What you quoted is just a segment from their ToS. In the end, it took five years for them to remove us and the reason was probably the never-ending flood of whiny e-mails from crybaby artists like yourself who were mad we were telling the truth about them. This time we reached an agreement with our host and were promised not to be deleted for similar reasons. But even if we are, were will be back again in no time and we will never let up on pathetic webcomic artists like you and your friends.
So in the end all this response has done is help me understand how seven people can come up with a comic that's half of a person worth of work. Because they share half a person's worth of brain.
There is something wrong with this response... I remember seeing this page at least a month ago and there was something different... Has Alex deleted something he wanted to hide again? Maybe "Web Archive" has the answer!
Let's look at and respond to some of the deleted versions of this page.
Hide, delete, don't respond
Well, first he mentions in the reply to the first accusation:
I wonder why he deleted this. Probably because it wasn't true.
Torture Device is a known racist, white-supremacist troll on deviantart.
Encyclopedia Dramatica has a 35 page forum thread dedicated to him.
He "calls out" artists and writes manifestos daily, in a misguided attempt to spread his message of racial hatred.
Firstly, he removed the mention of his mass reporting campaign. I guess he didn't want to draw attention to it. The rest was probably deleted when he realized how stupid his foam-in-mouth ranting about TD looks. And, by the way, that thread is dedicated to making fun of him.
Artist "Humon" has a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Making fun of person's health condition?
She's not a fucking paraplegic, Alex. Not only are people with POCS fully capable of losing weight, they are encouraged to do so because being fat due to POCS has all the same health risks as being fat for any other reason.
You're treating her like one of those Sims that if you remove the ladder from their pool they go: "Oh well, I guess i'll just die". How about instead of enabling her you do something productive and buy her a gym membership.
Plenty of webcomics have extra content you HAVE to read to understand the plot.
This isn't even a unique thing. Look up Homestuck.
The "extra content" in Homestuck is the text, you dense motherfucker. And if you want to put yourself on the same level as books for toddlers then... well, good work because that's exactly where I place you, too.
Anyway, I updated the parts of the review where I must admit there were factual mistakes and I can't wait for his next attempt to get rid of us.
In closing:
—Alexander Gromov AKA "Vitaly S. Alexius" |
Soon after we commented on his comic being shut down, Joshua took a break from jerking off to try and save some dignity by having the last word (forgetting that he can't because WE have a website).
Click if you are ready for extreme levels of passive aggressiveness.
We care.
Yes, "got tipped off". It's not like you were watching every mention of you online like a hawk or anything.
No, we saw it. We just realized that the only reason you mentioned rebooting that comic was in hopes that no one will be able gloat over their victory over you. And when you saw that they are doing it anyway, you made this second journal to try and make it look like you still won.
So let me say it again: the overwhelming negative criticism of your comic made you end it to make people stop making fun of your poor art skills. We won. Next time try improving.
Yes, your bad webcomic, which you ended because you admitted it was bad, has nothing to do with the article about you on a site called "The Bad Webcomic Wiki". But like you yourself just said: "guess some people really only see what they want".
Doubt it.
Again: we care.
"Anyone who calls my bad art for what it is must be a troll".
You can just say "furry". We all know you're a furry.
Or don't care.
With that, he finished his journal and went back to drawing porno.
It is a truly sad thing that we kind of jumped the gun with this review, because soon after it was finished, more embarrassing things happened to or were discovered about this person. One of his gay porno drawings (which he still claims are not gay) was featured on the front page of the Rule34 website, his main character was discovered to be plagiarized and it was found out that he and his brother draw pictures of penises together (incest? I can't prove it, but no one can blame you for being suspicious).
But it's not all bad, Joshua. You should take pride in being one of the few artists to stop making their comic when they realize it's bad. If only you could also stop being so mad about it, you could maybe get started on the road towards improvement.
Recently he posted a journal on his DeviantArt account responding to our response. Sadly you will not be able to read this hilarious denial by a documented lier because he deleted it 9 hours later! Instead, he posted a second journal that said this:
Thanks to my good friends here for their timeless advice. Love ya'll.
'It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.' --Albus DumbledoreBesides the hilarity of a man in his late twenties quoting a children's book and thinking it is deep and inspirational, what is more funny is the reason why he actually deleted that journal. I was able to catch a glimpse of the journal before it was gone, and, more importantly, the comment section. There I noticed one of his aforementioned fans begging him not to rile ED and BWW because it puts his fans in danger.
What a bunch of chicken-shits.
Sandra and Woo
The creators of Sandra and Woo demonstrated their maturity and ability to handle criticism by temporarily redirecting all traffic from Bad Webcomics Wiki to a favorable review on so none of the links in our review would work anymore.
To remedy this we uploaded all linked strips and embedded images to imgur. Recently, we noticed that the embedded images have been removed. Since we have never had this problem with imgur before it is safe to assume that its creator reported the images. Luckily, this was just before we moved sites anyway and now all images are uploaded directly to the wiki.
For a moment we considered first linking everything to the site again (since it is the old BWW that is being redirected) just to see how long it would have taken before we were blocked again, but decided that we were too lazy for that.
However butthurt the author might have been over our criticisms, he did not disregard them. When we last looked over the archives, he deleted some strips and modified others. I guess he realized that we were right.
Additional Update
Forum member Skunkbrains has just pointed out these rules on what not to post on this webcomic's forum:
- excessive swearing or insults directed at other users, the creators or the characters
- slanderous accusations directed at other users, the creators, companies or other institutions
- pornographic, extremely violent and other illegal or offensive content
- destructive criticism of the general content of Sandra and Woo or the personality of the main characters"
Admittedly the review did attack Sandra and Woo's main characters harshly, so Novil presumably got that upset over it. Thin-skinned, aren't we?
Shark Teeth
I guess I’m officially in the big league now that there’s a page dedicated to hating me.
…hollow victoryAt first I put this in the "Irregular" section, but on second thought, it belongs here.
"A page dedicated to hating me"... Don't think so highly of yourself. We don't know who you even are.
Skull Boy
After seeing the original version of the article for his comic, 'Skull Boy' creator William J. Gregory decided to take a hiatus on updating, and send BWW member Mediocrity this message;
Click for the message
Date sent: 16 Sep 2009, 23:40 GMT Dear Scott Foss,
I waited a very long time before I decided to write a reply about your review, as I wanted to make a calm, well thought out response with an even and balanced perspective."I needed some time to gather my emotions. *sniff*"
First, I just wanted to let you know I am archiving the comic Skull-Boy to make more time for Fish Quarry. But, I'm telling you this so you know it's NOT because of your cold review and pitiless comments, I've been tired of Skull-Boy for a long time now. The review, if anything, was the final nail, or realization that it was time to get it over with.
Second, you realize my site only generates, like, 200-500 unique visitors a day, 900 on a really good day. That's not even enough to get real sponsors on my site. I'm not a big shot, hell, I'm not even a medium shot. So, it's very obvious your review was made for the soul purpose of hurting me and me alone. I think it's a shame you would waste your time trying to hurt someone who's a small time artist much like yourself. Not only that, gather other people to single me out and talk about what a hack I am behind my back."Why are you picking on my webcomic on your webcomic review site?! IT'S BECAUSE YOU HATE ME ISN'T IT?!"
"Yeah, I know it's shit! So what?! STOP JUDGING IT!"
Note: Mediocrity's first comic used to have an article on this wiki. He didn't cry about it. Man the fuck up.
I don't hate you, let's try to keep it that way before this gets ugly.
~ William J. Gregory
Surprisingly eloquent for someone who created a VGCats fancomic full of dead baby jokes.
A few months later, William rebooted his comic again. And by "rebooted", we mean "continued without improving a single thing. Only now on the SNAFU site". After joining the illustrious company of Bleedman and Donald Wayne Lozen, he saw this thread. He then sent us yet another whiny note.
Click for more bitching
I took a break from ripping off everything evar in my sleep to read the replies to your topic, first off thanks for letting people know I've moved, I've been trying to get that fixed on the review of my old comics for months. I cannot reply to your topic, even though it's about me. That's pretty damn ironic when you think about it, "NO, we're talking about you, you can't talk about you, only we can!" so I need to ask you… what the hell is FTS? Full Text Search? If I'm being accused of ripping something off, again, I'd like to at least know what it is so I can go have a good cry about it.
Thanks in advance,
- A. We don't remember what FTS stands for.
- B. That is not what "ironic" means.
- C. If you want to reply, feel free to make an account and post on the forum, and we will feel free to make fun of you and post about it in this section again.
- D. Stop crying.
Can't wait for the next one.
So... You're a Cartoonist?
Tom Preston briefly mentioned us in a journal.
Thank you, Tom, for helping settle a long debate about that picture. A replacement has already been found and it took all of five seconds to find it. Also, I think you are confusing "nitpicking" with "pointing out glaring flaws".
Sore Thumbs
Chris Crosby did not respond to our review of his comic Sore Thumbs. But a few months later, when we made a new thread to consider reviews for other works by the Crosby Brothers, he showed up to do what had to be the most failed attempt at defending one's self in the history of the internet.
Here are some of the things he had to say:
Click to read
"When I write the way I want to write I make things people won't like." Good job standing up for yourself.
> They both are purposefully created to be as dumb and pandering as possible. Heck, WICKEDPOWERED was a paid advertisement for a handheld laser
> manufacturer. And CROW SCARE is intended to be a SCI FI Channel original movie illustrated on cheap newsprint."I don't care if I make crap. I just want money."
"I have no standards."
He has failed miserably each time, and so will you.
After admitting that his comic is bad and that he's doing it all for money, and laying out his brothers insane aspirations, he topped everything off by smugly offering us to make a comic, which he will graciously allow to be hosted on his site, and left.
You can read the rest here.
We are still waiting for Bobby Crosby to show up.
Sunnyville Stories (and also Poison Ivy Gulch)
I found this tweet by Max West about the review:
Which is funny because...
When you look up his comic, our review of it comes up before the actual site.
If there is any truth in what he says it probably has more to do with the fact no one cares about his comic.
Teacher's Pet
Soon after its inception "Teacher's Pet" was being hailed as one of the worst webcomics ever created. It lasted for a few miserable years before being deleted (probably as a result of all the negative criticism it was getting).
We discovered this comic soon after it began gaining attention and a thread was made to discuss the possibility of writing a review. Even before a decision could be made, the two girls who were making the comic saw fit to write a long blog post about our unsolicited advice.
Get your tissues ready
We didn't even write a review yet! No one showed you that thread! You went looking for it! How exactly is that finding our way to you?!
"Egos", not "egoes".
A website called "bad webcomics wiki" has seemed to find us (HOW?!), and has decided we have made their list. They haven't officially reviewed us yet, but if their forum post is any indication it won't be pretty. They doubt our age (and apparently our sanity) and say that pretty much everything about the comic sucks. Here's why that bothers me...
One, because well... I'm a fragile artist. Wah wah and all that.Yes, exactly.
It doesn't look that way.
That, on the other hand, is pretty obvious.
Wow... this?! This crap is the best you can do? Are you five years old or something?
Improvement? - not seeing it.
Trying vary hard? - Nope.
Never done comics before? - That one I can see.
No one ever does. Few murderers turn themselves in. If people were able to recognize how bad they are, ask for help improving and implement that help, there would be no need for this site and no need for us to be having this discussion.
Your best is not good enough. Even for someone who is not a visual artist, your work is not good enough. Your work would not pass muster if you competed in a comic making competition organized by drunken hobos.
Stop lying.
We have vary different definitions for the word "clearly". So yes, your snails pace worth of improvement counts for nothing. Less than nothing even.
No you are not, no we do not and not at all. We want you to improve. If you can't handle that, then quit... Oh, I guess you did.
Good work!
How did you jump from three to five?
Yes... Compared to Hitler, Osama bin Laden was not so bad! In fact, he was a pretty cool guy!
You're right, It's all subjective.
OH MY GOD! What does this have to do with ANYTHING?! Who the hell asked you? Why are you using this reply to us to give us your review of fucking Twilight!? Who cares?!
Wow... so you start with saying all opinions are subjective, go off on a tangent to prove that "Twilight", hated as it may be, is considered good by some people. Then you arrive at the conclusion that it objectively sucks, but your own comic is fucking awesome. What a bunch of stupid, hypocritical bullshit. Are you even reading what you are typing?
In conclusion, it is only unwarranted if we try to force it down your throat, and if you can't handle it, either grow some thicker skin of stop sucking so much.
Listen girls, I know that you have long since deleted that little trash heap that you called a comic, but if you ever stumble upon this page, I want you to know that if you indeed tried your best, then we appreciate that. But your best was not nearly good enough. Not by any standard. You can't possibly not see that.
I would like to say something nice and reassuring to you because you seem like nice girls, but I honestly can't. Your comic was bad beyond measure. It wasn't even at the point where its quality was somewhat debatable. If it had, I might have been able to understand your righteous indignation over being criticized. But, for someone who made something so utterly horrible, you really have a lot of nerve complaining when someone calls you out on it. Especially when a review was not even written and you went looking for responses to your comic on your own accord.
People who make something bad might have some right to contest the criticism they receive, but people who make something irredeemable need to take criticism in stride and learn to shut the fuck up.
The Secret Report
Considering the dubious quality of the webcomic, then it surprised no-one that the cartoonist's angry and bitter response to learning of the review was just as lackluster and pathetic. Behold:
One gets the impression from this, that the cartoonist - despite clearly being a physical adult - likely has the mental capacity of something... less than that.
UPDATE: And to remove all doubt about the last statement, click this. You still can't put two and two together, pal?
The sad thing is that the cartoonist, in his quite infantile rage, fails to see that in order to be as popular and profitable as the comics he compares himself to, such as Schlock Mercenary then you have to actually make a comic that both looks good, is well written, and then not be a childish asshole. This is like seeing a YouTuber have a meltdown because he's not as popular as Pewdiepie after having made three low-effort Minecraft videos.
Twisted Kaiju Theater
Sean "Shin-Goji" McGuinness (or someone claiming to be him) added a section to his review titled "Legacy" with his reaction in it where he talks about himself in the third person like he's retarded and then takes the "Romantically Apocalyptic" line of response and says we are only making fun of his shit comic because we are racists who hate feminism.
It is as a hilarious cop-out as it is a pathetic one. Enjoy the read.
He's gonna squish us like a bunch of Japanese businessmen!
You sure as hell didn't win that award for typing.
"Majority" in this case meaning "Almost none of".
Ah, the classic "This was written by one of my many haters" defense. Whatever helps you sleep at night Sean (next to your preteen girlfriend).
Actually, I just randomly found it while looking at our old site on "Web Archive" and decided to finish it and post it. But please, do go on about how a grown man playing with dolls in a dinosaur costume is going to smash the "Patriarchy".
If you admit your comic is shit then why not stop making it?
In other words: "It doesn't matter if my comic has bad writing. Only if it has bad feminism". I guess this explains why it was so bad.
Do I really need to bring out the "God Hates Webcomics" picture again?
"Doing what I want" in this case meaning: "Wearing Godzilla pajamas at three in the afternoon and seducing little girls on the internet".
You're right Sean, only the police can stop you from doing that.
Yes, most of them get a life or realize they're not good at it and stop. Thankfully, you didn't have that problem.
"ALMOST"?! Someone actually gave you financial support to keep doing this shit?!
Oh please, you were #1 on "Top Webcomics List" for like 2 years (although that's nothing to be proud of). Stop the pity party and put on your big-boy cartoon pajamas... Oh wait, those don't exists.
How? By showing them how bad he is and making them not want to be like him?
"Loving"... That's nice way to put what they were doing with the Godzilla porn that you posted.
You spent 13 years of your pathetic life taking pictures of your doll collections and posting them on the internet. People who brush their teeth in the morning have done more than you.
Warmage (also Monster Lover)
When the author of this abomination noticed the traffic coming to his site from us, he contacted the review's writer to leave him a "thank you note"...
Smugness oozing out of every pore
Also thanks for the Links to the Old webcomic, but I eventually started it over again on Drunkduck.
anyway, Thanks for the Hits to my website And I'll post links to your article!
Not content with this, he felt the need to leave a second reply of this sort on his Facebook page which read:
Still not satisfied, he opted to make sure he wasn't left with any dignity which might have been left over if someone mistook his replies for a genuine "thank you" note. So he created for us our first ever video response. Unfortunately, it was removed before any one of us could save it/watch it/make fun of it. All we know now is that it was titled "nosuchthingasbadpress".
So to you, my dear "Dumok", I say:
Enjoy your pageviews. Enjoy the flood of people that have rushed to your website just to see how awful you and your comics are. Enjoy your momentary "popularity" comprised of people who laugh at you. And remember: Every hit is worth one internet dollar! And if you get enough of them, you can buy the fuck we don't give.
Weapon Of The People: DECODED
After the month-long lol-cow milking session, that was the cartoonist bitching on the forum that we were all racist white people for not liking his comic, he fired off this gem upon the publishing of the final review:
You can practically taste the tears he had to hold back in typing that. Clearly, truly, anyone who doesn't like or agree with his comics is obviously a white supremacist. Can't be the cartoonist who's a jackass, nope, not at all... right?
He also put up this comic which seems to be a very poorly veiled jab at this wiki and its community:
Lets see: Strawman versions of the critique he got on the forum thread? Check. Making his 'critic' out to look like a complete idiot and racist? Check. His usual "give me gibs" slogan up on display? check? Wall of text you don't really want to read? Check and check.
Verdict: Of all the wonderful flavors of the African-American kitchen, Rasheed has chosen to be salty.
UPDATE 1: Rasheed ultimately got banned from the forum after he made death threats against forum member Webkilla. Even if he were doing it in jest, that crossed the line.
UPDATE 2: In a supreme act of saltiness, rashit posted a comic where he made the BWW community out to be a bunch of white racists that banned him for being black. Lets have a look:
Yu+Me Dream
Some time ago we had a review up on this site about a comic called "YU+ME: Dream". After it was made we got a complaints from a couple of its fans that the review was poorly written and probably done by a disgruntled fan who was unhappy with the direction the plot was taking. After further inspection we realized they were probably right. The article was indeed pretty bad, focused on a single flaw and the the comic itself may have not deserved a review in the first place (although I am beginning to doubt that after having to look at it in search of a picture to put up here). And so, the page was subsequently deleted.
But not before the author could comment about it with a childish response.
Click To Read
It's not really personal if you post it up on the internet.
You know what else is original? Dipping your genitals in molten lava. Don't confuse "Original" with "Good".
So whoever is making this comic should probably thank her fans. They are obviously smarter than her.
Grave of the Unknown Whiner
Over the course of running this wiki I have repeatedly come across various complaints about our wiki across the web, as well as private messages sent to our members or left on our forum, saying that our reviews somehow ruined someone's life or made them delete their comic and quit art forever.
I do not know who these people are, which comic is theirs, how many of them are there or if indeed these are all complaints made by the same person who find it necessary to bitch about us on every single webcomic related forum he can find. Nonetheless, I have added this mention to this page to honor their futile efforts and trashed comics.